Status: Coming at you on the count of.....

My Name Is Jimmy and You Better Not Wear It Out

I. Jesus of Suburbia

Dad walked out on us a long time ago. Mom's always crying about it, but it's not like I knew him, so why should I care? Apparently he was a somewhat rich guy. Already had a wife, but then fell in love with Mom. They had a kid, obviously me, and then he realized that he loved his wife, leaving me and Mom all alone. From what Mom told me, he was having a fight with his wife at the time. He was an angry guy, so I'm told. Mom loved him anyway.

She was an American Idiot because of him. She believed in love, and whatever was on the god damned news.

I was never going to let that happen to me.

Mom's been through a lot of guys. Lately it's Brad. He's apparently a lot like Dad, except single. They think they're in love. They're American Idiots, the both of them, but Brad's money is getting me through school, apparently, so who am I to complain?

About a week has gone by since Sara and I broke. I'll admit, I was majorly pissed when I saw them at the last party. He was obviously no me in the sack. Sara didn't look too happy with him either. Despite what I felt, I grinned at them both and then sauntered off to a free room with the girly hanging off my arm. I had no idea what her name was, but she had the same dealer as Sara, which mean some damn good coke was in the mix for me along with a pretty nice jump in the sack.

Hey, I might be a bad kid, but it wasn't like I'm Christian or anything. I don't believe in heaven or hell. I wasn't going anywhere worse than the average Joe because I liked doing drugs and having premarital sex. I could probably have the same feeling that a Christian would have during a sermon while watching a particularly good T.V. show.

I'm an average kid who smokes cigarettes and pot and gets the good stuff from the girls I sleep with. Is that so god damned wrong?

But my ethical dilemmas, or lack there of, are not way today is about. Today is about Tunny. Tunny's first big show under his brand new label. People actually have to PAY to see him now. Well, I got in for free of course, the guy's my best friend, but still! This was beyond exciting for him, which meant it was beyond exciting for me.

For different reasons, of course.

He wanted to buy a house with all the money he would come into. Where as I agreed this was a good choice --I mean, 22 and living with your parents is kinda lame-- all I could see was him buying better pot for us and his customers on the street.

That was one of the firs things Tunny taught me when he finallydecided I was old enough found out I was paying for my stuff. Either sell the stuff and keep some of the product for yourself, or go along for the ride with someone who already has it. In my case, I chose the second option. And that's how the girls found out I wouldn't sleep with them unless they had the stuff I needed.

Mar 3 Jingletown USA
I'm the son of Rage and Love
The Jesus of Suburbia
From the bible of "None of the Above"
On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
At least the ones I got away with
But there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In the land of make believe
That don't believe in me
Get my television fix sitting on my crucifix
The living room in my private womb
While the MOM's & BRAD's are away
To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane
To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, kinda bad sentence to end a chapter with, but honestly I don't really care. I'm more proud of myself for finishing all of the chapters that fit into Jesus of Suburbia within a matter of a week.