Status: Missed this?

Giving Up the World

Chapter 27

"I drank an eight pack of beer." Were the first words I spoke to my friends.

They all looked at me with wide eyes. Well, except Annabell. Somehow I knew Gerard had told her I had gotten drunk. She looked so pissed and yet upset with me. She really cared about me, is what I came to conclusion with after glancing at her multiple times.

A sigh came from my mouth, " I won't do it again-"

"You better not." Annabell quickly interjected, glaring at me.

I looked into her eyes before speaking, " I swear I won't. I was upset. It was a mistake. I don't have a problem. I'm not an alcoholic, I just wanted to get away and wanted to see what would happen. I am not a drunk."

"Frank, calm down." Gerard insisted.

I snapped my head towards him, "Calm down? You're acting like my father, Gerard. You're acting like I have no self control and like I have a problem and it makes me feel the scum of the earth and like I need to be put in an insane asylum but I'm not insane, Gerard, I'm not! I'm sorry i'm not God damn prefect and I don't know how to deal with things but this was not how I expected to deal with me drinking!"

"Frank!" Mikey yelled over my voice and everyone looked towards him. "Frank... Just calm down. I know you're upset about your parents getting a divorce and I understand why you drank but please... Calm down..." I took a breath of air and nodded. Then he continued, "This isn't you, Frank. I've never seen you like this and I've known you the longest. It... It really worries me." He looked down with a frown on his face.

I had never seen him upset like that. It was like we were both seeing new sides of each other and neither of us liked the sides we were presenting. His new side made me upset and like I was a horrible friend. My side made him feel confused and alone. This was all my fault.

"I need to leave." I spoke, swallowing hard as I stood up.

Gerard looked up at me, "We're not finished."

"I don't care! ... Just let me leave." I mumbled out the last sentence.

Annabell stood up and began to walk up stairs. I followed her, her leading me to the front door. She stopped in front of it, blocking me from leaving though. I knew she would say something at some point and I guess that point was now.

"What's gonna happen?" She asked and I became confused, "Where are you living?"

"Oh." I caught on. I looked down, "With my dad... On the other side of town." I looked back up into her pain filled eyes, "The judge thinks I need a man in my life so I have to live with him on week days and I get to be with my mom on weekends."

Her eyes filled up with tears, "You're leaving? ... But you can't. Tell your dad you want to live with your mom. Tell the judge, you can't leave Frank. We already don't see each other because of the different schools but now you'll be a good 45 minutes away and we'll barely ever see each other."

I nodded, "I'm sorry but I don't have any control over this. My mom wouldn't be able to support herself and me if I lived with her... I'm sorry, Annabell."

She stepped closer to me and rested her head on my chest, her arms slipping around my waist tightly. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her as well, holding her close. She sniffled, attempting not to cry and I held her closer.

"Everything will be okay." I whispered. "I promise."