Status: Updates for this: EVERY Friday, Saturday and Sunday. [due to school, and other things, Sorry for any inconvenience guys.] <3

I'm Feelin' so Low

- Decisions.

Aidan sat impatiently in her bathroom, staring down at the white stick that held the key to her fate. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted a positive or negative, because it could go either way and she didn’t want to get her hopes up or down. As time seamed to slow down, two minutes were taking forever to pass. Finally after a painful wait, there it was. The truth. Flickering right in front of her teary eyes. ‘Positive +’ it read.

She couldn’t quite believe this, how had it happened? Was the father Brian? She wasn’t sure whether she could even tell him or not. Aidan didn’t know who she could tell; her father certainly was not an option. Given the chance, which he would get, he’d beat that baby out of her until she had made a river of unsightly dark blood and gunk. Aidan shuddered at the thought of the horrific scene that would play out if she dare told her father. She grabbed her cell from her bedroom and dialled Dixie’s number with a shaky thumb.

“Hey-lo, was sup?” Dixie asked, enthusiastic to chat with her best friend. Aidan bit down on her bottom lip, wondering what to say; how could she possibly put this into words.

“Dixie… I’m… I’m… pregnant…”Aidan muttered. Glittery tears rolled down her pale cheeks then slid down the curve of her nostrils before disappearing into the carpet below her feet.

Dixie laughed, thinking that this was all some joke. “Yeah, and the father’s Brian?” Dixie joked. When Aidan hadn’t replied, she realised that her best friend was not in fact joking. “How do you know?” Dixie finally breathed, trying to break the silence between them.

“I done a test, and it said… It said positive!” replied Aidan, by this time getting hysterical over the situation.

The phone beeped, meaning Dixie had hung up. Aidan fell to the floor on her knees and began crying her eyes out harder than she had ever done in her life. “Why is this happening to me? I can’t care for myself, let alone a child!” she balled out. Dixie ran round to Aidan’s, as they only lived a few hundred yards a part; great in situations like that that they lived so close. As Aidan’s father was out working, Dixie did not need to knock the front door, instead immediately ran to her best friend who was still howling her eyes out. She knelt down next to her and gave her a small comforting hug.

“Aidan, listen to me. We’ll get through this. I promise,” Dixie stated, smiling half-heartedly. “I promise hon. We’ll get through this together.”

Aidan raised her head and gazed into her best friends sympathetic eyes. “How the fuck are we going to do that?” she asked, as tears still spurted from her eyes. “I can’t tell Brian, not now. He’s getting in with his band, he won’t care about me… or the baby,” she added, gazing down at her stomach.

“Who said we need to tell him? Anyway, you’re sure it’s him right?”

That was the question. Aidan didn’t know the answer to it, unfortunately. Though she was sure it was Brian she was with that night, but it was all a blur in the back of her mind. She was so drunk and so stupid.

“On a more happy note, how was it?” Dixie smirked.

“How was what?” Aidan cocked her eyebrow in confusion.

“Y’know, sexy time with Gates.”

Aidan turned her attention to the window and gazed at the South Californian sun that was beaming in. “Well… I’d tell you if I could remember it,” she muttered. Aidan turned back to Dixie, and smirked. “I’m sure it was fuckin’ amazing though!” she said.

“Yeah….” Dixie replied, finding this a little more than awkward to discuss now.

Minutes of silence grew between them again, neither knew what to say.

Dixie fiddled with her hands acting as if she was occupied, and then a question entered her mind. “Are you going to keep it?”

Aidan’s head rose up, and she looked at Dixie with disbelief in her eyes. Did she really just ask that?
“What do you mean am I going to keep it? Of course I’m fucking keeping the baby! I wouldn’t give it up for nothing….” she trailed off and began crying once again. “I just wish… I wish my mom was here!” she wailed out as she looked at the ceiling.

“What happened to her, anyway?”

Dixie quickly regretted asking that question as soon as she had said it, but she couldn’t take it back now.
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Sorry I've taken so long to update, school kinda got on top of me a bit.