Sequel: Rooftops

Always Mine


The words seemed to echo over and over in his mind. They were beautiful words. They were the only words that he had ever wanted to hear. So why was he so afraid? Why did it feel as if his whole world would soon be crashing down around him? He didn’t want that. Instead he clung to his lover, eyes closed tight and resting his head on his lover’s chest. “Never leave me,” he begged softly. His lover chuckled softly running a hand through his pale hair.

“I’m not going to leave you baby,” the promise was a soft whisper. It did little to give him comfort though and he couldn’t understand why until the moment that the door slammed open.

“Erik!” His father yelled. His mother stood behind him, hands clapped over her mouth and eyes wide with horror. “You fucking piece of shit!” Erik cowered against the boy who lay in bed next to him. The smirk that crossed Jude’s lips seemed to infuriate his father even more. “Out!” The man’s man yelled order was more a scream than anything.

“Don’t go Jude,” Erik begged gabbing a hold of Jude’s shirt.

“Sh,” Jude’s voice was soft as he pet Erik before looking very pointedly at his lover’s father. “I’ll come back for you Erik. Remember, I meant it when I told you that I love you.” Jude turned his eyes back to Erik and pressed his lips against the frail boy’s. Erik’s arms wrapped around Jude’s neck, his fingers tangling in Jude’s black hair. The sound that came out of Erik’s father’s mouth was a roar as he charged into the room and tore one boy from the other.

Erik didn’t hear exactly what his father said. It didn’t really matter in his mind. He had just shared the most perfect kiss with another human being. He had felt what passion really felt like. It had been ripped away and that fact tore at his heart. Tears formed in his eyes as his father looked back at him one last time. His eyes were full of disgust and rage. Worst was the hate that consumed both of those emotions. Erik felt something like shame. No it wasn’t shame that he felt. It was an all encompassing emptiness that dominated his soul. He had been torn away from the one that he loved. And his father hated him. Erik curled up in a ball, holding his legs to his chest. He never knew it would hurt to love this much.

Jude pounded his fist into the punching bag repeatedly. No one bothered him. Not since he had thrown a swing at the owner on accident. He felt a little bad for that. After all, Blake wasn’t a bad guy. Jude just wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. There was one person he wanted and he hadn’t been able to find a way to get to him. “Damn,” Jude muttered clutching the bag. Leaning all his weight against it, he realized how weak he was at that moment. His arms felt heavy and his legs were shaky. He rested his forehead against the bag, his face covered in sweat and tears. The move to kiss Erik before the bastard that called himself Erik’s father had torn him away had been impetuous, but he hadn’t been able to resist. Erik’s lips had looked so tempting. His sweet, innocent face had been too much for Erik to resist.

“H-hey Jude!” Patrick called. Jude took a deep shuddering breath and lifted up his head not bothering to look over at the young man. He didn’t particularly like Patrick, but he was Blake’s nephew so he wouldn’t do anything. “Y-you have someone outside wanting to see you.”

Jude sighed and gave the punching bag one last hit for good measure. “If it’s the cops, I’ll be coming back for you,” he promised Patrick as he walked towards the exit. Patrick scurried out of the way running to hide. Jude shook his head. The boy was a wimp. It was probably only his connection with Blake that kept him safe. Jude threw open the door and looked around at the parking lot surveying it slowly. He had to do a double take when he saw Erik standing fidgeting on the other side of the fence. Jude ran across the parking lot ignoring all the fatigue he had felt moments before.

Jude flung himself at the chain link fence. “I’ve been worrying myself sick about you! God boy where have you been? Just don’t tell me I’ve lost you dammit. I won’t lose you because of that pig of a father of yours!”

Erik smiled sadly and rested his hands on Jude’s through the fence. “No…maybe…I had to sneak off to get here Jude. Dad…he wants us to move away. He’s already putting in for a transfer at work. We’re probably gonna be gone by the end of the week.”

Jude shook his head and stepped back before running forward and vaulting himself over the fence. He stood up from his crouch and took Erik in his arms. “I love you, ya damn idiot. I’m not going to let you go just because you dad doesn’t want us to be together. I don’t care if I have to kidnap you! You’re going to be mine forever.”

He could feel Erik’s body relax and the smile that spread across his face. “I want that.”
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My first slash story, be gentle!