Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 1



“Cass! Come on get up!” I called into the next room while zipping up my suitcase. “Hurry we have to meet everyone at the bus!” I said walking into my older sister’s room. “CASSADEE ERICKA POPE! YOU GET OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW!” “Five more minutes…” she mumbled from under her pillow. “Fine…if you don’t get up by yourself…then I will help you” “whaaa….” She mumbled as I grabbed her ankles and pulled her out of her bed. Yes that’s right I Addison Taylor Pope age 17 had to drag my 20-year-old sister out of her bed so she could get ready for her stupid tour! My life is great! After a few minutes Cassadee came out of the bathroom dressed
ready to hit the road.

*At the Bus*

“ADDISON TAYLOR POPE! HOT DANG! WELL IF IT ISN’T MY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!” I heard. “RHYLEE NICOLE LIPSHAW! OHH MY GOODNESS!” I spun around to face my best friend “Alex didn’t even tell me you were coming on tour this time!” she exclaimed “ha Rhylee, I think you are the most eccentric person I know, cute outfit by the way” I smiled. “why thank you, Darling, I must say you look quite stunning yourself” we giggled. “we haven’t even got on the bus yet and you guys are already acting crazy” Mike commented. “oh yeah…well…you’re just jealous because…uhh…well you just are!” Rhylee pouted. “aww is wittle rhy sad?” mike taunted. “I figured it out!” I screamed. “figured what out?” they questioned. “why mike is jealous of course!” Rhylee cracked a smile. “and why am I jealous?” mike looked at me like I was crazy. “Because you only wish you could look as good as us in shorts! I mean look at what your wearing ” I stated! Rhylee’s eyes got big and we screamed “WHO WEARS SHORT SHORTS…WE WEAR SHORT SHORTS!!” “Wow its gonna be a long tour” mike mumbled as he walked away. “Let’s pick our bunks before everyone gets the bottom ones.” “ha remember that time Jersey rolled out of the top bunk” we giggled while walking on the bus.

*On the Bus*

“ALEX!!!” I screamed and jumped on my 2nd favorite Lipshaw! “ADDI!” he matched my excited tone. “oh gosh no ones called me that” I giggled. “You look hott these days Lexy, and I’m diggin your new style” I said as I planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He put me down and smiled “you look good too…well for a Pope that is.” He replied. “oh you hush mister. I remember when you had a crush on Cass.” I whispered “hey that doesn’t count that was like in 2nd grade.” He defended. “You still had the hots for a pope!” I teased while skipping to the back room. I saw Jersey watching mtv. “Ha what are ya watchin, Jersey shore?” I giggle while plopin on his lap. “ha Addi your so funny, so how have you been kid?” he smiled. “I’m not a kid anymore. I even graduated!” I stated after sticking my tongue out at him! “oh well look at you little high school grad” he said in a baby voice. “oh hush Jersey boy I was gonna say how fly your shirt is but never mind” I said giving up. “ha see you later Addi” he said while turning back to whatever was on the tv.

After some what catching up with everybody I decided to get in touch with my bunk and my lovely ipod that was playing the new We the Kings cd “Smile Kid :)”
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Hey :) first chapter! likey? comment subscribe?
really love "Smile Kid :)" so freakin much