Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 13



After the whole Dora Fiasco things started to calm down. Addi was sitting in a lawn chair with her feet propped up on a box, humming to what ever was playing on her ipod and doing something on her phone. Vinny was folding shirts and mumbling things in a low voice to himself, he was one strange guy. Yep we would all get along fabulously. It was really slow so I sat down and pulled out my phone and read that I had a new text.

New Text Message:
We’re about to go on you guys gonna come and watch?

Alex you know that we cant we have to stay in the merch tent duh.

Oh right sorry I forgot about the tent.

Sorry to say but my Brother isnt very smart sometimes, I mean I love him to death and all but wow, Really. Addison started laughing. “what?” I asked? “lexy just texted me and asked to come to the show, when he knows we have to stay here” she giggled again. “yep that’s my brother for you” I laughed with her. “What are you guys laughing about?” vinny asked while looking at us from his tent. “oh just my brother not using his common sense” I replied through a giggle. “oh” was all he said going back to folding.

After everyone got changed they came by the tent to sign stuff and take pictures with all the fans. When they got here it got busy. People asking for all of the different things we had. Addi and I were running around like the world was about to end. People were practically throwing their money at us and grabbing things out of our hands. It was CRAZY! When the mass of fans were gone, I sat in a lawn chair exhausted.

“hey you guys tired?” vinny chuckled. “yeah yeah yeah Vinn…Vinn you just shut your mouth” Addi replied. “ehh you’ll get used to it” he said. “so you guys wanna come to a party tonight or are you too worn out?” he asked. Addi and I just looked at each other and the I said to Vinny. “In time my friend you will get to know us better and by then you will understand that we are never too tired to PARTY!” I yelled the last part! “ha okay, well it starts when everyone leaves and all this shit is packed” he said motioning to all the boxes in the tents. “okay, well im gonna text the guys and tell them to get their asses down here so we can plan what we are gonna wear” Addi said while pulling out her phone.
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sorry kinda fillerish
im gonna post the party today too :)
Wanna Thank the new subscribers<3