Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 17



"sure" he said. "Why do you even buy shirts, it never seems like you wear one anyway?" i asked him. He making him laugh, "first off i get some shirts for free so i don't really have to buy them but its not always summer you know it gets cold and sometimes when I'm around kids and older people like grandparents its nice to have a shirt to wear every once in a while" he answered. "wow, your should be in a beauty pageant. you would have the swimsuit portion in the bag, you might need help in the formal part though" i laughed. "maybe i will" he joked. "Can't wait to see you in a bikini Zack" i laughed. He just smiled.


"Kennedy!" I called to my brother. "what?" he called back. "how do i look? Good enough for a warped party?" I asked. "you look fine" he replied walking towards me. "you sure?" "yeah" "uggh your no help,PAT!" i screamed the last part. "yeah...Abbs you know it's not that big of a van you don't have to yell" he said. "sorry, How do i look?" i asked. "Good" he replied. "do any of you guys ever say anything other than 'good' and 'fine'?" i sighed. "hey you asked and what did you want me to say?" Pat asked. "your right, sorry Pat" i said. "its ok" he told me while pulling me into a hug. "thanks Pat, I needed that" i smiled at him. "anytime Abbs" he smiled back. "ARE WE READY TO PARTY?!?!?!?!" Jared wailed popping his head into the van. "YEAH" we all answered.

At the Party

"Abbs, I want you to stay by me or one of the guys at all times, ok" my brother said as we arrived. "yeah yeah, I'll be fin Kenny" i replied. "i just don't want you to get hurt or something" he said. "i promise i will be fine...go have fun" i smiled at him. "okay keep your phone on you" he said as he hugged me before walking over to a group of people."sometimes" i mumbled to myself while shaking my head.

After a while i saw John getting something to drink, so i decided to get one too. "Hey Abbs, You having fun?" he asked after taking a sip out of his red plastic cup. "yeah a blast" i mumbled. "John..." a girl called while walking over to us. "hey" John replied. "this your girlfriend?" she asked. "oh no she's practically my little sister." John quickly answered the question.

That one stung, I haven't really admitted it to anyone but i kind of had a thing for John. I wouldn't say i was in love but i was definitely in very strong like. I should of known I would be nothing but a little sister figure to him. It's not like i thought he would fall head over heels for me or anything. But how was i suppost to get out of the little sister zone, Hell that was worse then the friend zone. John is a really attractive lead singer of a kind of popular band, He could have any girl he wanted. He would never choose my short boyish figure over a tall girl with curves in all the right places.I was so stupid to think that i would maybe someday call John mine.

"Well, I'll see you later Abbas" John said pulling me out of my thoughts. "ugghh fuck my life" i thought while downing the remains of the liquid in my red cup and grabbing another then sliding down the side of a bus to sit and watch everyone.By myself again. I shook the bad memories i had floating around my head away and did what i did best blend into the background.
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WOW! 66 readers :)
thanks to the even new subscribers :)
and i also wanna thank Static
^^Tee He He :) I love this pic sorry its so big^^