Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 19



"lets start over here" Vinny said as we headed towards a tall skinny dark haired guy. "Jack!" Vinny yelled causing the guy to whip his head around and look in our direction."sup man" the guy replied. "I want you to meet my new friend Rhylee" Vinny smiled. "hi you can call me Rhy" I told the tall guy.

"sweet, well I'm Jack but you can call me daddy" he winked. i just laughed. "or big poppa or stud or..." "YOU CAN'T SPELL STUD WITHOUT STD!!" i cut him off. sorry, I'll just call you Jack" "Rhy is it? he asked. I nodded "I think we are gonna to get along famously" he smiled. "Jack can you introduce her around?I have to piss like a race horse" Vinny said. "yeah man" Jack replied. "thanks for the mental image Vinny" I said before walking away with Jack.


This party wasn't as fun as i thought it was going to be, I thought to myself while taking a sip of my drink. I was sitting alone leaning against a bus. "hey" I heard a voice causing me to look up. "can i sit with you?" the girl asked. "yeah" I replied. Once she was sitting, she offered her hand to me and said, "Hi, I'm Madilynn but you can call me Madi" "I'm Aubrey, but you can call me Abbs" I smiled at her. "So you in a band?" she asked. "nope my brother Kennedy is in the band The Maine and he dragged me along to do merch and stuff" i told her."ohh my Gawd, me too! but my brother is the singer for Boys Like Girls." she smiled.

"sweet. how old are you?" i asked. "oh I'm eight teen but I'm almost nineteen what about you?" she said. "i just turned 18" i told her. "awesome" she smiled again. "so why are you sitting her by yourself?: she asked. "i don't know i guess I'm just not in the partying mood" i told her. "well were about to change that" she said while standing up and pulling me with her.


"uggghh where the fuck is Madi?" I asked my brother. Addison and I had looked all over trying to find her. "i don't know" he answered then looked at Addi and said. "Hey, I'm Paul" "Hi, I'm Addi" she said. "i like your shirt" he laughed. "hey I already said that" I told my brother. "well I was just saying" he said back. Addi laughed "thanks, I thought it fit the enviroment" "certainly does" he laughed too.

"gahh Paul let me see your phone" I told him. "why?" he asked. "because I'm going to text Madi" i replied in a duh tone. "use your phone" he said matching my tone. "I can't Sherlock, its on the bus charging" i snapped. "fine" he said tossing his phone at me. "thank you." i said in a sweet voice.

New Message:
Where the fuck are you?

I sent as Paul continued to hit on my new friend. Making me roll my eyes. Sometimes he could be so lame. I heard him asked "where are you from?" and when Addi answered he then said. "are you sure, because you look familiar, but hey it might be from my dreams" Addi just laughed. I was glad she wasn't captivated by my brothers 'charm'. I've lost a few friends because of him.He goes out with them for a while then he fucks things us, so they don't want to hang out with me because of my stupid ass of a brother. I love the guy but sometimes he pisses me off.Paul's phone vibrated in my hand and I read...

New Message:
umm by the keg...why is there something wrong Paul?

No its Marie and i have someone i want you to meet. wait there :)

New Message
kk ")

I put the phone into my brothers hand and said. "Here Paul, Heres your phone back so you can send some more naughty pics to your boyfriend" "Fuck! Marie that was one time and it was on accident. It was suppose to go to Kari not Kameron, Damn!" he said making Addi and I laugh.I heard him swear some more as we walked away.
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^^"cropped" pic of what Paul sent :) lol ^^