Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 21



Jack pulled me to a big group of people who were laughing and having a good time. "dudes this is Rhylee but she goes by Rhy. Now say who you are and what band your from" Jack said like a teacher making me laugh. "let's start with you Jared." He said to the guy that was closet to him. "Well..." "nope stand up" Jack cut him off. The guy stood. "Well I'm Jared and I'm in The Maine" he said. The next guy said. "I'm Alex but you can call me Suarez and I'm from Cobra Starship" "umm I'm Garrett and I'm from The Maine" "I'm Pat and I'm from The Maine too" "I'm Rhyland and I'm from Cobra" "I'm Kennedy and I'm in The Maine" "Hola Chicka, I'm Gabe and i sing in Cobra" "I'm Nate and I'm from Cobra too" "and I'm John and I sing for The Maine" the last guy said.

"Awesome, Well I'm Jack from All Time Low as everyone knows" Jack said making us all laugh. We sat down in the empty chairs and started talking."So what band are you in?" Pat i think it was asked me. "oh I'm not in a band but my brother is...Alex Lipshaw he's in Hey Monday." I told him. "awesome" he said back. "how old are you?" he asked. "I'm almost nine-teen" i told him. "awesome well you might be able to hang out with Kennedy's sister then" he told me. "yeah" and we continued to talk amongst our group.


When Marie and I got to the keg we saw two girls around our age,leaning up against it. Once we got to them the taller one handed us a new cup and hugged Marie. "Hey Madi...This is Addi" she introduced us. "Hi Addi, Wow our names are kind of alike" she giggled. "and this is Aubrey" she said motioning to the girl standing beside her. "hi" she said. "and this is Marie" she told the girl. "okay, so lets do roll call" Madi giggled making Marie roll her eyes and smile.

"okay, I'll start...I'm Madilynn but i go by Madi" then she pointed at Maria "I'm Marie and i go by Marie" she laughed then Madi pointed at the other girl. "umm I'm Aubrey but i go by Abbs" then she pointed at me so i said. "I'm Addison but people call me Addi." After that we all laughed because Madi high fived us all. "Let's make a toast" she said as she raised her plastic cup. "to new friends" she said. "to new friends" we all cheered.I had made quite a few of those and the night was still young.
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^^ Aww Garrebear is so cute :) ^^