Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 22



After a while I was restless, so instead of just sitting there and getting drunk like everyone else. i ran back to the bus and got my acoustic guitar and walked to the grassy area where some of the tents were earlier that day. I sat down and started playing one of my favorite songs that i had actually helped Cassadee write because we both were going through a tough break up quite different but painful all the same. Cass was with Joe for two and a half years, but after she went on the bands first tour he started cheating on her, she caught him when she came home Early to surprise him. looks like there was a surprise was for Cass too.

I started to sing

The power lines went out
and I'm all alone
but i don't really care at all
not answering my phone
all the games you played
the promises you made
couldn't finish what you started
only darkness still remains

lost sight
couldn't see
when it was you and me

blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
but i think ill be alright

been black and blue before
there's no need to explain
i am not the jaded kind
playbacks such a waste
you're invisible
invisible to me
my wish coming true
erase the memory of your face

lost sight
couldn't see
when it was you and me

blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
but i think ill be alright

one day
you will wake up
with nothing but "you're sorrys"
and someday
you will get back
everything you gave me

blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
blow the candles out
looks like a solo tonight
but i think ill be alright

By the end of the song tears were running down my face.When ever i hear or play that song it makes me cry.your probably thinking if something makes you sad then why do you do it? i sing that song to remind myself how far i have come from when Cass and i wrote it.let me fill you on on what happened in my life, i already told you Cassadee's but heres mine.

As for Todd,that's what his name was and i we were together since the beginning of junior year. We had planed to go to college together, get an apartment together then maybe get married when we were older. We had it all planed out right down to what we would picture frames we would get and all the furniture.He was the perfect boyfriend, the best a girl could ask for. Everything was going as planed until his older brother Tom got out of prison after serving 4 years.

Todd was really excited for his older brother to come back, so they could do all the things that they had missed out on. like family football games and fixing up the family's old car.But when Tom got home it was completely different than what any of us he started beating Todd,not just a slap in the face but bloody black and blue everywhere. When i asked him about it he would always get angry and after a while he started hitting me.

I never felt so worthless so unloved. do you know what its like to have everything good that you had going for you riped our from under you or the one person that you loved the most in the world beating you until you couldn't walk. telling you your useless everyday. how unworthy you are even how you dint deserve to live.

when it first started happening i was just the verbal and emotional abuse it was never physical until a few months after it all had started. even saying that it was your fault and you were forcing him to do this awful thing to you. when the physical abuse started i started to close off from everyone my family my friends i would barley talk to anyone other that Todd himself. Most boy friends at least try and protect their girlfriends but Todd was what i needed protection from.

This is what my day consisted of during the physical abuse. get up at 3:30 am get ready for school,Todd would pick me up at 4 to leave for school which started at 7 so no one would notice the bruises or the cuts that he had given to me. i put make up on over it the best i could to try and hide all of our problems from the world, go to Todd's house with him, he would take me home at 3 am. i would have to sneak into my house so i didn't wake anyone up, i couldn't risk the chance of anyone seeing the marks that Todd had given me. I was slowly breaking inside.

Cassadee and Addison were the ones who finally caught me and figured out what was going on, so they got help for me. Long story short. Todd was in Jail, i was slowly getting better and we got an amazing song out of the experience.

While i sitting there thinking about my past i heard. "hey are you all right?" i looked up to see a guy not much older than me. He was about six foot maybe six one. His had golden brown hair was peeking out from under his black beanie.His hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans."Are you okay?" he asked again."Yeah,I'm fine thanks"i said while wiping the last tears away from my eyes. "You have a really nice voice" he said. "thanks" i smiled up at him."can i sit?" he asked. "sure" i replied.

"I'm Alex, by the way" he said with a smile."I'm Rhylee but you can call me Rhy if you want" i told him."so can i ask why you are out here all by yourself?" he asked. "oh i just wanted to get away from the party for a while" i answered. "makes sense" he said as he nodded. "so, did you write that song?"he asked. "well kinda, i wrote it with my friend Cassadee.Shes the lead singer of my brothers band Hey Monday" i told him. "it was really pretty, I'm the lead singer of All Time Low" he informed me. "Really, I meet the rest of your band earlier oh and Vinny, Your guys' tent is right by ours" i smiled.

"damn it!" he said startling me. "excuse me?" i said. "oh its just Jack and Zack meet all the beautiful girls first...pricks" he joked. "oh...ummm thanks" i blushed. "i only speak the truth" he smiled back. He has the cutest smile I have ever seen. I thought to myself. "Well Rhylee, do you want to come back to the party with me?" he asked. "sure" i smile while helped me stand up. "oh and..." he said while putting his finger under his nose. Strange I thought, did i smell bad or something.hmmm. "okay?" i said confused. "oh wrong hand." he said as he switched.I looked closely and I saw a small mustache drawn on his finger with a sharpie or a pen.I looked down at my shirt and laughed. "I really like your laugh" he said. "its really cute" "Thanks" i blushed again.Then I headed back to the party with Mr. Alex Gaskarth himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: Candles by Hey Monday
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^^Isn't that the Cutest thing you have ever seen :) ^^