Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 24



Maria and I were talking to Alex.Aubrey was laying in my lap, about to pass out.Poor girl, she was going to have a killer hang over tomorrow."Hey Alex" a girl said as she walked towards us with a guy walking beside her. "Hey Rhy" he replied. "this is Alex, too!" she laughed while pointing at the guy at her side. "oh ha sweet, well this is Maria, Madi and Abbs" Alex said motioning towards us."Oh and this is my sister Rhylee" he said.

"Hi, I'm Marie" Marie said popping up and pulling Rhylee into a hug."Um, I'm Rhylee but you can call me Rhy" she replied.""Hi Alexander William Gaskarth" the guy standing by Rhylee said. "Hello, Alexander William Gaskarth, its nice to meet you" she giggled hugging him too."so you both are named Alex?" I asked. "Yeah I guess" they both said at the same time. "Wow that was creepy" Madi and I said together making us all laugh.

Aubrey was waking up, so i looked down at her. "Madi...I love you" she smiled drunkly up at me."okay Abbs" I said patting her head. "I'm not a dog you know" she slurred then giggled. "Okay well. Rhylee, Alex one and Alex two, It was nice meeting you but I think it's time for little Aubrey here to get to bed." i said smiling at them. "you too" they said. "oh and Maria, Martin and Paul want us back on the bus before five" i told her. "okay see you there" she replied turning back to talk to everyone.

I hooked Aubrey's arm over my shoulders and held her around the waist."Abbs your gonna have to walk" i told her. "okay Madi...Where are we going?" she asked."I'm gonna take you back to your van" i informed her. "ahh noo please, i don't want the party to end!just let me get a drink then we can go and dance" she smiled. "oh no, there will be no more drinks for you.Advil and a good nights rest are the only thing you are going to do for the rest of the night"I told her. "Party Pooper" she mumbled as we kept walking.

Suddenly Aubrey stopped and said "i think I'm gonna be sick" she started puking barley missing her shoes. "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you had to see that" she looked up at me sheepishly. "oh its okay. you had to get rid of the excess alcohol" i said as i handed her a water bottle to rinse her mouth out. "ugghh thanks Madi" she said while spitting out the water. "uggh i feel like crap" she whined as we continued our journey to their van.

When we got there i saw that it was covered in different things in various colors of sharpies.Most of the things read..."John You Can Make Me Say 'Ohh' Call Me ;)" followed by a phone number. I looked at the side of the van and it had more that thirty numbers scattered here and there.The windows were even written on. "Crazy fan girls" i mumbled as i opened the door.

I helped Aubrey sit down,then i crawled to the back and pulled out a suitcase that had flowers on it, hoping that it was hers. You never really can tell with some of these band boys. As i looked for some pajamas for Aubrey i noticed that her clothes were cute, well for a twelve year old. "note to self: make sure to take Abbs shopping" i mumbled to myself. Finally finding some basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt, i headed back up to where Aubrey was sitting. "Here" i said as i set the clothes on her lap. She looked at them and then back up and me. "ugghh fine ill help you" i said.

We got her shorts on and as she was pulling her shirt over her head when i heard the door of the van starting to open. "Hold on a sec!" i called.Whoever it was didn't listen very well because in a matter of seconds i came face to face with a guy with reddish brown hair and his nose pierced. "HEY! don't you listen" i asked. "GARR-BEAR!!!" Aubrey called about to get up. "ABBS! your half naked right now, i wouldn't do that" i told her. "OH MY GOSH!" she said while diving behind me, suddenly sober."GOD GARRETT, YOU FUCKING PERV! GET OUT OF HERE!" she wailed while peeking over my shoulder.The guy just shut the door, with a shocked look on his face.

"oh god" she said as she pulled the pajama shirt over her head."uggh FML" she huffed, while laying down."i don't see what the big deal is" i said while looking at her. "you don't get it. They are all my older brothers friends, they all think of me as a little girl, as far as they care i have the chest of a ten year old boy, i never wear shirts to show off my 'assets' uggh" she said using air quotes. "and now Garrett just saw me in my bra which makes my 'assets' very visible" she told me using the air quotes again. "oh hes plastered, he wont even remember it tomorrow" i said handing her another bottle of water. "uggh i hope, thanks Madi, for everything." she smiled at me weakly. "no problem Abbs" i replied. "well I'm tired and I'm gonna try and forget that ever happened.will you tell Garrett to do the same please" she asked while pulling the blanket up over her. "yeah, night" i told her while i opened the van door.
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^^ They're ADORKABLE :) ^^