Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 25



"Alright guys, I'm done for. Does anyone want to walk to the van with me?" I asked. "Naw" they all said. "okay, well ill see you guys tomorrow" I said as i waved and headed towards our van."Hey Garre..."John called to me as he walked my way."Whats up man?" i yawned."Hey will you plug this in when you get back to the van?" he asked handing me his phone. "yeah dude no problem" i told him. "well thanks" he said as he walked back to everyone else.

Those guys can party way to hard.I mean its not like I don't like to party. Hell before every show we all chant "We like to Party...We Like...We Like To Party!" but holy shit, I can only take a certain amount of alcohol. I was really tired, I'm surprised that i didn't pass out while walking.It was gonna feel so good to crawl into the van and snuggle up with my pillow. I thought as i continued to walk.

When I finally got to the van, I sighed.When reached for the door handle I heard, "Hold on a sec!" coming from the inside of the van.Too late I mumbled as the door flew open. Damn my late reflexes when I'm tired and trashed. "HEY! don't you listen" A pretty girl that I didn't know wailed at me."GARR-BEAR!!!" Aubrey called jumping out from behind the girl, she was in gym shorts and her bra.I just stared not knowing how to comprehend what was going on."ABBS! your half naked right now, i wouldn't do that" the pretty girl said to Aubrey."OH MY GOSH!" she said while diving behind the other girl."GOD GARRETT, YOU FUCKING PERV! GET OUT OF HERE!" she wailed while peeking over her shoulder. I just slammed the door shut.

After it was closed I sank down and leaned on the tire of the van.Images of what Aubrey looked like flashed through my head. "When the fuck did she start to look like that?" i thought. "and better yet how the fuck hadn't any of us noticed." i asked. I closed my eyes and tried to shake it from my mind, the images lead to thoughts or ideas,dirty ones i might add. "eww Garrett get a hold of yourself, shes Kennedy's little sister, hell shes like your little sister.what the fuck!" i screamed at myself trying to stop see Aubrey that way.

The van door sliding open pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw the pretty girl stepping out of the can.She looked at me and laughed when the door was closed. "Hi, I'm Madi" she smiled, she was stunning. "hi I'm Garrett" i said while standing up. "that's a cute name" she smiled again making me blush. "oh well its nice to meet you" i said all the thoughts of Abbs were replaced with new thoughts starring the girl standing in front of me."Well, its getting late, i guess I'll see you tomorrow" she said. "oh um yeah" i mumbled watching the way her hips swayed as she walked away from me. "oh and Garrett..." she said turning to face me again. "umm yeah" i replied. "Aubrey wanted me to ask you to forget what happened, oh and i would appreciate if you didn't stare at my ass, thanks, well night" she said causing me to blush again.

I slowly crept into the van, peeking to see if Abbs was asleep yet and she was out cold.I changed into my old gym shorts and layed down.I have a feeling that I'm going to have creepy yet very good dreams tonight. I thought as i pulled my blanket up under my chin and closing my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its kinda short, I wanted to get Garrett's view of things :)
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^^This is one of my fave quotes :) ^^