Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 3



"oh hey Lexy, whats up?" she asked."ohh...uhh...i was just walking by and your curtain was closed and i thought you were up front with Cass...and uhh i heard someone i thought i would see who was in your bunk...and it was you so...uhh i was just leaving..."i mumbled. "oh ha Lexy...your adorable" she told me with a smile. "uhh thanks Addi" i said while looking at my feet that had suddenly become so interesting."so what are you listening to?" i asked. Her eyes got wide. "ohh the new We the Kings CD, you know Travis Clark has the most amazing voice i have ever heard."she smiled. "i cant say i agree" i replied thinking about the lovely voice i had heard only minutes before. "oh well he is like my obsession,we are going to make pretty babies someday." she smiled. "oh my gosh i just sounded like a creepy fan girl" she giggled. "Sorry Addi but i dont think you could ever be like the creepy fan girls" i smiled. "aww thanks Lexy!" she squealed while pulling me into a hug which ended up pulling me into her bunk. "Lexy you know that your my best guy friend" she stated into my chest,causing me to smile "i mean Mike and Jersey are great and all but i really love you" i felt her smile making me smile again. "I love you too Addi" i said while kissing her hair that smelled like vanilla from her shampoo. "i remember the first time i met you and Cass" i said.

*flash back*

"you look funny...whats with that silly doll?" i said. "your a jerk and her name is Sally. Shes my daughter and shes not silly" a 10year old Cassadee said. "dolls are dumb" i smirked. "she is not!: she screamed. "yeah huh" "nuh uh" "yep" "boys are dumb" Cassadee ran away crying. I laughed jumping on the swing. As soon as i thought i couldn't get any higher someone grabbed the chain on the swing making me fall out. When i looked up at who did it i was shocked. There stood an 8 year old Addison Pope. "what do you think your doin?" she screamed in my face. "well i was swinging until you came along" i said. "before that stupid head!" she screeched. "what do you mean?" i questioned. "why did you be mean to my sister?" she asked loudly. "hey all i said was that her doll was stupid,then she freaked out on me." i replied. "Dont.Ever.Do.It.Again...Or.else" she threatened. "yeah...okay" u mumbled as she walked away.

*end of flash back*

Yep that's how i met the Pope sisters.It seems like Addison has always taking care of Cassadee. Its funny to think about how scared i was of the exact same girl that i was holding at the very moment. "ha yeah, me were a wimp." Addison said giggling. "hey you don't know scary you were back then" I defended. "you really are something Mr. Alex Lipshaw" she smiled while looking up at me through her thick lashes. "so are you miss Addison Pope" i said while kissing her forehead.
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