Status: ...Umm...

Right Here's Where the Party Starts!

Chapter 31



“Aww,” all of us girls chorused when Alexa Vega and Sean Farris kissed at the end of Sleepover. “He’s a BABE!” Addi screamed. “More like a stalker, How the fuck did he know where she lived? Oh and how in the hell did he get in the fucking tree house?” Vinny wailed. “Oh shut up Vinn Vinn!” Addi screamed. “I just think he’s a creeper!” Vinny defended. “Well he can creep in my tree house any day! Rhy exclaimed. “Agreed!” We all shouted. “You guys are freaks.” Vinny said. “Now that is something we can agree on.” The Alexs’ commented.

“THAT’S IT! Your no longer my mustache buddy!” Rhy huffed at Alex G. “And you’re not my brother anymore!” She said to Alex L. “Oh and Vinny, You’re just jealous because you want to be in his shower!” She stated nodding her head. “What! NO, I’M NOT GAY!!” Vinny Whined. “Homo. Homo. Homo. Homo.” We all sang. “Ha Vinny you just got told.” Alex G laughed. “Fuck you Alex!” Vinny replied. “Oh, you would like that wouldn’t you.” Alex G said. “Ha okay you guys, what are we watching next?” I laughed. “What about The Covenant?” Marie asked picking up the movie. “FUCK YES!” Addi and Rhy exclaimed. “Okay,” I laughed. “If it’s a gay chick flick we’re not watching it!” Vinny stated. “Oh its about warlocks and such!” Addi squealed. “Oh, well I guess we can watch that.” Alex G Said.

“DAMN IT! YOU FUCKERS TRICKED US!” Alex L yelled. “This is the biggest chick flick ever! I mean really do I want to see that?” he said referring to the shower scene that was currently playing on the screen. “Oh shut up Lexy. You know you want to tap everyone of those guys asses!” Addi wailed. “WHAT THE FUCK EVER! Fuck this do you guys want to do something else?” he asked Vinny and the other Alex. “Yeah.” They replied.

Half an hour later

“GO LONG!” We heard Vinny yell from the front of the bus, causing us to look up just in time to see the two Alexs bailing down the hallway through the bunks. “HOLY SHIT!” Addi screamed as the football just missed Rhylee’s head. Marie and I just watched in shock. It was like in slow motion. The football doing a perfect spiral right into the dvd player. Not even seconds later the movie on the tv was replaced by the black and white static.

“REALLY!!” Addi screamed making everyone jump. “LEXY!!! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!! WHO THE FUCK PLAYS FOOTBALL INSIDE!!!UGGHHH YOU GUYS ARE DICKS!” she huffed out of breath. “It’s okay Addi.” Rhy said while hugging her. “Sorry.” the guys mumbled. “Whatever.” Was all she replied. After a few minutes of awkward silence the guys went back to the front lounge. “So…now what?” Marie asked. “Revenge.” Rhy and Addi said in unison. “Oh boy” I sighed. And so the plotting began.
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Sorry it took so long guys! My stupid computer was holding it hostage! I had to go all James Bond on it to save the poor chapter.
and 200+ readers! oh and SIX STARS!! YOU GUYS ROCK! :)
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^^I think its WAY cute how Alex does the same faces :) even though he leaked his and Rian's numbers. lol^^