Status: I hope you guys like this!

Stay With Me


The door closed behind them and the streets were left in a vacant state of peaceful ignorance. As always, no one had any idea what was going on behind the façade of middle class propriety. They assumed what they would and normally it was 100 percent wrong…


Hayden followed Paige through her living room and up the short flight of stairs. Her bedroom was on the second floor and was the third door to the right. Yes, he remembered…
He also remembered the way her room looked. It was strangely blank and so clean that it appeared unlived in. As he stepped into it for the third time, Hayden could guess about the reason though. He pictured the way his own room looked and it was not so dissimilar. There was something that made it impossible to be comfortable in a place that would never be home.
Then Paige shut her bedroom door and Hayden was jolted out of his thoughts. He stopped wandering down the darkened paths of old memories and stared at the girl who was with him right then. She was staring back and there was unmistakable invitation in her eyes. Hayden felt a sliver of pure shock run through him as he realized that Paige Brinkley actually wanted him. She wanted him to take her in his arms again and…
Oh Jesus, her hands were grabbing onto him! Her fingers were clutching onto his shoulders and her mouth crashed onto his. Then she kissed him and it was not a gentling touching of skin against skin. It was raw untrained passion that left Hayden gasping for air.
They stumbled awkwardly back toward the bed and Hayden had a difficult time keeping his balance. His knees felt suddenly unsteady and Paige was climbing all over him like a spider- monkey. Okay that was a slight exaggeration, but she was certainly enthusiastic. Her body was rubbing against his in all the right places and it was making him feel incredibly turned on. When they finally tumbled onto her twin-sized mattress, Paige was sprawled out on top of him in a tangle of arms and legs…


Paige paused as she lay on top of Hayden and thought about what she was doing. She was taking advantage of his amazing body and this time it she knew it wasn’t a dream. Paige knew her hand was actually planted on his smooth, pale chest and her hair was creating a waterfall effect on his neck.
“Can you believe this is actually happening?” she whispered, without really meaning to.
Hayden shifted so that they were both a little more upright and said, “No, I’m still a little shocked that you actually wanted me to stay. That you actually want me at all…”
He tailed off and Paige could tell he was embarrassed by his own honesty. He wasn’t the only one who was embarrassed though. She was trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was just about raping him again and she didn’t have the “dream” excuse. Hell yes, Paige wanted him…
Not just in a hot and heavy way either. She wanted him to just be there. She wanted to feel his arm wrapped around her in the morning and catch him staring at her in History class. Or the other way around… She wanted to go out in the middle of the woods and almost get arrested with him and go home and have him kiss her breathless… Paige wanted Hayden Peirce in a million different ways and he didn’t seem to be able to accept that yet. He didn’t seem to realize how amazing, sweet, and not to mention gorgeous he was! But then he’d be pushed down and degraded his entire life. How could he understand the full extent of her emotions unless she proved them to him?
“Hayden,” she said slowly. “ I love you. And I want you to know I’ve never told anyone that before. Not anyone…”
She leaned and gently pressed her cheek against Hayden’s. It was not a demanding caress and she felt his body relax as she gently ran her fingers up and down the smooth skin of his back. Her hands loved the feel of him and she could probably have just traced the angles of his body the entire night. The strong jut of his shoulder bones and the gentle dip of his spine…
Then Hayden put his hands around her waist and said, “I believe you, even though it really doesn’t seem possible. You’re so perfect and I’m just not.. Huh…I actually used to think of you as Perfect-Preppy-Paige. I guess two out of three isn’t bad…”


Hayden’s words left a bitter taste in his mouth, because he knew they were true. He was holding someone who would always be much too good for him. She wanted him to stay, but he knew that it would really be better if he didn’t. Better for her anyway…
“I’m not Preppy?” Paige said, distracting him from thoughts he wanted to just ignore.
He pulled gently away from her cheek and said, “Not in the least. You’re spontaneous and funny. You’re strong and honest. You’re also understanding and I think that’s the thing I love about you the most…”
Paige looked at him and smilingly said, “When I’m spontaneous, it’s probably because I was too lazy too make real plans and if I’m funny it’s probably not intentional. I’m not strong enough to tell my friend the truth, because keeping quiet is so much easier and I’m understanding, because I’m so used to being misunderstood…
Like when people think I’m perfect and I’m not… I’m just another flawed girl who wishes a certain boy would stop talking and kiss her.”
How could he say no?
♠ ♠ ♠
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sticking with me ladies and thanks soooooo much for the support. Huge hug to Bmorr, Jenstar15,Curious 123 and anyone else reading this. I write this stuff, because if you guys! :] You are awesome with a capital fuckin A! So, this chap, got a little steamy....shall I continue?