Status: I hope you guys like this!

Stay With Me


Hayden leaned in slowly and let his lips graze Paige’s. He felt the tremble that ran beneath her skin as she tangled her hands in his hair. When his mouth applied gentle pressure, Hayden felt her fingers thread deeper in deeper. Their breath mingled for several seconds as he worked up the courage to tentatively run his tongue along her lower lip. When he did, Hayden heard a soft sigh escape her.
Paige’s hands moved to cup his face as their kiss deepened. Lips, tongues, and teeth were used to touch, explore, and playfully nip. Hands started to move and before he knew it, Hayden was caressing the bare skin of Paige’s lower back. She was touching his shoulders and the sensitive flesh at the base of his neck. She kissed him there and he fought to suppress a groan. She had no idea what she was doing to him…


Paige felt Hayden shudder as she kissed his neck. He gripped her waist and went a little tense. She knew she was pushing him beyond the point of going back and she didn’t care. She wanted this…
Paige wanted him. She wasn’t scared or worried about doing “it” for the first time. She knew it might hurt a little, because she had zero experience. She was glad she didn’t have any though, because the idea of having anyone but Hayden was unbearable. She wanted his mouth claiming hers and his body taking hers…
She wanted him and nothing and no one else…


Terry felt like shit…
No, that would be overestimating her mood. She felt like what shit felt like when it was cranky, tired, stressed, and P.M.S-ing. No that was not an exaggeration. She knew what was going to happen when she got home. Her Mom would yell at her for being out late. She would look at her cell and see that her boyfriend had left her a million texts. They would probably be break up texts, because she had sort of stolen his car. So beyond cool in Kevin’s opinion…
All she really wanted to do was go to fucking sleep. She felt drained in a way that was completely unfamiliar to her and her emotional stability was non-existent. More then anything she just wanted to be by herself and just breathe.
She ran her fingers through her already fucked up hair and let out a huge heartfelt sigh. Looking out the window, she saw the empty streets. They did seem so inviting…
They had no beginning.
They had no end.
They had no secrets.
They had no false illusions…
Maybe she would drop off Kevin’s car and just walk home. It wasn’t very far at all and she wanted just a few seconds. She wanted to just be alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
kind short! Sorry and sorry for not updating, but I was having trouble with this chapter.
Anywayz, I love my girls who comment <3 big hug and thanks much! -Annie