Status: I will update as much as possible! ~raeXlikeXwhoa

To Hell With My Pride, Let It Fall Like Rain

You Know I Can Take Anything

Zack grabbed my hand and Jack wrapped his arm around my waist. Clearly they were a little confused.
"Let me clear something up for you guys. Me merch girl, you musicians. I don't understand why I have to do these things with you."

"Because you are part of the team Alexi," Alex said, "and because you are cuter than any of us." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah Al, think of it as street cred." Rian said, patting me on the back and making me laugh.

"You know you guys are retarded, right?"

"But you love us." They all said in unison. I was laughing all the way to the interview. When we got there, we all took a seat: mine being on Rian's lap.

"Alright guys, I am here with All Time Low, and I've gotta ask- who is this lovely lady with you?"

"This is Alexi, our merch girl and best friend."

"Oh, well, what a lucky girl. How did you meet these crazy boys, Alexi?" I cleared my throat and looked up.

"I have known jack for a while. Our parents were extremely close, so it was kind of natural."

Rian and I headed off down the street towards the Denny’s we saw on the way to the venue. We were quiet on the way there: just taking in the activity on the street. Once we were at the restaurant, we waited for a table.

“Rian Dawson!” We both whirled around to find Austin Bello walking towards us.

“How’ve ya been man?” Rian asked as they did the awkward man-handshake/hug thingy.

“I can’t complain. Things have been pretty good.” He looked over at me. “And who’s this? Your girlyfriend?” I looked down. As excited as I was to meet them, me plus new people never starts off well.

“No.” Rian said, putting a protective arm around my shoulder. “She’s our bestest friend and merch girl.” Austin’s mouth formed an “O”.

“Or is she your bestest friend because she is your merch girl?” I turned around to see who asked the question, and it was none other than Caleb Turman. Rian laughed and engaged in yet another awkward man-handshake/hug thing. And just think; four more of those could be coming.
Five minutesand three awkward man-handshake/hugs things later, all seven of us sat at a table. Jonathan wouldn’t get up, so they left him behind.

“So Alexi, have they tried to kill you yet?” Kent asked. I shook my head, still in the self-conscious first impression stage.

“Oh don’t mind her. She’s always a little shy.” Rian said, then pinched my cheeks. I punched his arm, then took a bite of my French toast.

“Man, I wanted to be the first to hit Rian this tour.” We all looked over towards the door and saw Jonathan. I smiled at the look on his face.

“Yeah Rian!” Kyle yelled, then threw a pancake at him.

“Hey! It wasn’t my fault. Alexi’s the one that hit me.”

“Yeah, well we don’t throw food at girls Rian.” Austin said, putting emphasis on the ‘Rian’. I saw the look on Rian’s face and I started ducking down, knowing this was going to get ugly.

“For Denny’s!” Caleb yelled and launched a roll at Marc. Marc retaliated by throwing a blueberry towards Caleb, who ducked. The blueberry ended smacking Austin in the nose. Within minutes, the boys were shoving food in any pocket they had and headed outside to go all out. Jonathan sat down with me at the table and watched them go at it.

“So, Alexi, huh?”


“I’m Jonathan.” I figured it would be weird to tell him I already knew that. He held out a hand for me to shake. I just looked at it for a second. He looked at me and smiled.

“Guess what.”

“What?” He poked my nose, then held out his hand again.

“They don’t bite.” I let out a noise that might’ve resembled a giggle, then shook his hand. “There. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

“So, how did you end up being stuck with those crazy boys?”

“My dad died and my mom kicked me out.” My hand shot to my mouth, and I stared at Jonathan. I didn’t tell people that…ever! The boys only knew because they were there when it happened.

~6 Months Earlier~

“Alexi, if you can’t behave, I don’t know what I am going to do with you.” Alex hugged me as my mom yelled from downstairs.

“What pissed her off this time?” Rian whispered. All of the boys had come over to throw me a birthday party, and we lost track of time.

“I have no clue. I did all the things on my list, I swear.” I felt a tear run down my face. Zack walked over and wiped it off.


“Shit!” My mom started up the stairs, and I knew I was going to be in worse trouble now. She was coming fast and there was no way to get the guys out. She threw open the door and her eyes bugged.

“Pack. Your things. Now!!”


“Alexi? Earth to Alexi?” I saw a hand wave in front of my face and snapped out of it.

“Oh! I am so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I never te…” Jonathan put his hand over mine.

“Alexi, it’s fine.” He gently rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. “I asked. Besides, you can talk to me about anything. People tell me I’m an awesome listener. No syke.” He smirked, which made me smile. “There is is.” I kept smiling. I couldn’t help it, but for some reason he made me want to smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit
I'd Swear You Were Steam

Alright, chapter 2 already! I think I am going to try to update at school more often! Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated!
