Status: I will update as much as possible! ~raeXlikeXwhoa

To Hell With My Pride, Let It Fall Like Rain

I'm Hiding Out and Planning My Esacpe, I Hope I'm Not The Only One

“Are we ready to head back?” We looked up and saw Rian standing at the end of the table…with syrup dripping from his head.

“Um…” Rian glared.

“”Yeah. Don’t ask me how, but Kyle found a way to sneak a syrup container out with him.” Kyle walked up and put an arm around Rian’s shoulders.

“It’s all about the pockets my man.” I laughed and Jonathan smiled at me.

“Uh, guys, we should probably go before we get in trouble.” Kent said, looking over his shoulder at the manager.

“Someone has to go pay the bill.” Austin reminded us. I tensed up knowing what was coming next, and I really didn’t want to be the one paying the bill.

“Nose goes!” Kyle yelled. All of us glanced around to see who was last. All of our eyes landed on Rian who rolled his eyes as syrup dripped from his widow’s peak to his nose. We all laughed and patted him on the back as we waked outside. When he came out, we all headed back to the venue. When we got there, Jack was running around like Texas Ranger all hopped up on Mountain Dew.

“Jack Bassam Barakat, what are you doing?” I yelled. He looked up…then took off running straight at me. “Oh shit!” I braced myself. Jack does this sometimes when he gets an idea. Right as he was about three steps away, he jumped. Let’s just say I am really lucky that he is as skinny as a string bean. I caught him and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

“Guess what!” He smiled real big.

“You have a new hat?” Jonathan asked.

“You bought shoes?” Austin guessed.

“Alex fell in the toilet?” Caleb added. I laughed a little at that one, probably because it had actually happened once.

“Due to an overwhelming amount of Skittles being launched into space, Mars is going to turn green.” Kyle said. We all stared at him. “What? You didn’t know it was happening?” He laughed. “What a shame.” Jack shook his head and we all laughed.

“Jack, what was the actual idea?” I asked, setting him on his feet.

“I thought we could all do a song together at the end of every show.”

“Every show?” Kent asked.

“Yeah. I hated it when I heard about some grand performance that happened on the last show of the tour. I hate doing that to people.” I gave Jack a hug.

“That is a very good idea.”

“Aw, thanks. I knew you would think so, and I wanted to know if you would join us.”

“Seriously?” Jack nodded and it was my turn to jump into his arms. “Thanks Jack Jack.”

“You’re welcome Lex.”

“That actually is a pretty great idea.” Marc said. The rest of Forever The Sickest Kids agreed.

“So, what song should we do tonight?” Caleb asked.

“I think we should let Alexi choose.” Jonathan said. I looked at him.

“Oh no. I couldn’t.”

“Oh yes you could.” Austin said. A few seconds later, it was decided that I was picking the song.

“Alright, um…” I thought for a moment. “Okay, well I guess you could play…”

“I got it!” Alex yelled, running off the bus. Zack was right behind him.

“Got what Gaskarth?” Alex looked up.

“Oh, hello boys. Anyway, The Middle.” Jack and I looked at each other and smiled. They boys of FTSK looked confused.

“You know, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World?”

“Oh, yeah. What about it?” Kyle asked. Jack smacked his forehead. I laughed.

“Kyle, that’s the first song we’re gonna play”

“Oh, well why didn’t you just say so?” I shook my head in disbelief and we all started walking towards the venue. “Guys?” Eventually Kyle realized that we weren’t going to wait for him, so he jogged along behind us. Once we got inside, we were supposed to meet with the opening acts. One was a band named Mercy Mercedes. I had heard a few of their songs, but I had never met them or seen them live. But the other, I was excited for. Cobra Starship! Yep, that’s right. They were another of my favorite bands, and I got to meet them on the Believers Never Die tour.

“Gabey baby!” I yelled as soon as I saw him. He turned around and his eyes got all big and stuff.

“Alexi!” He ran towards me and swung me around. “i Te añoro!”

“Yo tambien. ¿Cómo estás?” We heard a throat clear, and we turned around to find all of the other people, except Cobra Starship, with confused looks on their faces. “Lo siento.” I said, looking back at Gabe who was smirking.

“¿Y qué sobre me?” I looked behind Gabe to see Nate walking up with a smile. “Chop liver?” I laughed and threw my arms around him.

“Hi Nate.” Nate hugged me back tightly with his face in my hair.

“Hi Lex.” We hugged for a little longer, then let go of each other. I thought a heard a softly hummed wedding march coming from somewhere, so I looked at Gabe. He winked at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes, then greeted the rest of the band. When I was Jack introduced me to the members of Mercy Mercedes. After, we were informed that they were going to start letting people in soon.

“Alright boys, well, we better go start setting up. Our sound check was kind of funky.” Nate, from Mercy Mercedes, said.

“Cool man. Good luck.” Alex said. The boys of Mercy Mercedes walked off toward the stage, leaving Forever The Sickest Kids, All Time Low, and Cobra Starship to chat amongst themselves. I was just randomly looking around when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

“You coming?” His breath on my ear made me shiver.
(author's note…te hee-guess who).

“Yep, I’m coming.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:
Artist:The Summer Obsession

Mercy Mercedes, in case you haven't heard of them.

Yep, that's right people! It's a miracle! Two updates in two days! Let me know what ya think.