Status: I will update as much as possible! ~raeXlikeXwhoa

To Hell With My Pride, Let It Fall Like Rain

Tell Me Why I See You and I Just Can't Breathe

When their set was over, they all walked off the stage and tried to give me hugs.

"Um, yeah. I don't think so." I said, "At least not until you wipe some of that off." They all looked at each other, and looking back, I really don't understand how I missed what was coming next.

"GROUP HUG!" Austin yelled. The next thing I knew, I was stuck in between six very sweaty, somewhat smelly boys.

"Alright, already." I squeeled, making them laugh. They all broke our little huddle and went on their merry ways.

"So, how'd ya like it?" Jonathan asked, with that Texas twang that makes me giggle every time.

"Well, the sound quality was kinda meh, and the energy didn't exactly live up to the hype." He stared at me with his jaw on the floor. I put a hand on his arm. "Jonathan, chill. I was completely kidding. It was the best set I've seen in a while, and that's saying something." He closed his mouth and squinted his eyes.


"Yeah?" I asked, hesitantly. He had a look on his face that was kinda freaking me out.

"Run." I squeaked, then took off in the direction of the Cobra dressing room. He chased me all the way there, not slowing down one bit. I pushed through the door, and ran to the back corner, not paying attention to anything else. When I turned around, I found that I was in some hot one else was in the room besides Jonathan and myself.

"Looks to me like you've run out of places to hide Princess." He said with a smirk on his face. I frowned.

"You wouldn't hurt me. Good ol' Southern boy, remember?" He started slowly shaking his head. "Aw, come on!" I whined. Jonathan just smiled and started moving closer. I backed all the way up into the corner and closed my eyes, expecting a tickle fight, noogie, side poking, or something...all that came was a peck on the nose. I slowly opened my eyes to see him standing kinda close-ish. He just looked at me, and in that one little look, he said a lot of things. There wasn't the cocky smile that I have seen Alex use so many times. The one that says, 'Yeah, I know I'm cute. What are you going to do about it?'. His eyes were sincere and I could tell that he wasn't pushing me into anything. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something that told me that I could trust Jonathan. I know that I had just met him, but he had already worked his way into my heart. Not in a romantic waycompletely, anyway, but as a person that I knew would be there for me.
I smiled back at him and took a few steps forward. His steps matched mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a while, I gave him a peck on the cheek and we walked in a very comforting silence back to the stage area. All Time Low was already on stage- when that had happened, I will never know- and were playing my second favorite song. I started singing along, thinking that it was so loud in the building that no one would hear it...I should have known better.

"Why did you lie?" Jonathan asked. I raised an eyebrow.


"You told Gabe that you don't sing. From what I hear, you have a very nice voice."

"From what you hear? Jonathan, we are in a room full of 1,000 kids, AT LEAST, in addition to standing right next to the amps. How can you hear anything?"

"You can hear anything if you pay attention close enough." I felt my face flush.
Good thing we were in a dark room.
"Just like, if I pay close enough attention, I can see that you are blushing."
"Well, nothing gets past you, does it Mr. Cook?" He shook his head, smiling.

"Alright, we are almost done tonight, but before we go, we want to know if there are any of you out there that want to come up here and sing with us." I heard Alex say. Just thinking about the reaction of the crowd made me cringe. I had been in many a situation where that has happened, and let me tell you, it ain't fun. Crazy ass kids pushing as if doing so will actually move them closer to being the one chosen to go onstage. I heard a chuckle, and turned to my left.

"What is so funny?" He shook his head.


"Jonathan, I don't like the look on your face." The smirk just got bigger.

"What look?" He asked. I didn't have a chance to respond, however, because Jonathan Cook pushed me out onstage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Cred:
Artist: Friday Night Boys
Song: Stuttering

He he he! Two updates in one day! Yay Rae! I am going to keep trying to do this, but I need to know what you think so far. Keep the comments coming!

Thanks to dreamaway; for being my first comment, and motivating me to put another chapter up.