Double History

Chapter 17

Unlike most days this Friday was particular disgusting. The rain had been non stop for days and walking around without getting saturated was pretty impossible. It had been a month a couple weeks since my odd incident with my history teacher and since it things hadn’t gotten much better. He tended to ignore me, even with absent work he’d just pretend I’d done it so he wouldn’t have to be alone with me for too long. I hadn’t seen my dad properly in ages either, he was forever at Vanessa’s or she was dithering like a fifty year old hooker in my house. I didn’t hate her, but her presence constantly being in my house was beyond irritating.

I was sat at the back of history now, watching as sir strutted back and forth, animatedly teaching. I still wasn’t allowed to sit near anyone I knew but I had grown used to it now, making most of the desk space. I sat back in my chair, gnawing on my pen and attempting to listen even though working was not one of my priorities.

“Guys, right I know I’ve given you a lot of essay’s recently but we need to practice, practice practice!” Mr. Way exclaimed up by his white bored. A couple of people groaned, “I’ll have none of that, working is important, do you want jobs?” he questioned, as he wrote the title of his amazing essay on the bored, everyone mumbled under their breath, “Exactly so all of you write this title down and I want this essay done! I know a few of you have yet to hand me in several others,” he finished, his eyes scanning around the room and suddenly landing on a brown haired guy by the name of Brandon Holland.

“What?” Brandon asked in an unnerved manner.

“You’ve failed to complete all of my essays, excuse? Or shall I just right you a detention slip now?” Mr. Way asked in a bitchy manner.

“I’m not the only one who hasn’t done them!” Brandon argued back. I didn’t recognise him from any of my classes but I knew at some point he’d gotten smacked by Kelly for asking for a picture of her naked, I wasn’t a fan of him. Mr. Way stood looking at him, staring with his eyes brows raised deep into his hair line, “She hasn’t either!” Brandon suddenly exclaimed defensively, turning in his seat and nodding his head towards me.

“Don’t bring me into this Holland!” I snapped back whilst taking my pen out of my mouth.

“Well you haven’t and I’m not getting all the blame you always get away with everything!” he said to me shiftily, turning back around in his chair. It was true, I did get away with murder, only because Mr. Way refused to look at me, talk to me, go near me, or even ask me for any work.

“Shut it Brandon, go ask for naked pictures of girls again,” I snickered, cackling when he turned around and flipped me the bird.

“That’s enough, both of you-“ Mr. Way started.

“Sir! Aren’t you going to give her a detention as well!” Brandon quickly cut in, Mr. Way looked at me and I stared back, “And she never does any work or anything. She’s always late and you don’t do anything sir, that’s just called discrimination!” he continued to cry out indignantly.

“Of course I’m going to do something,” Mr. Way said, trying to sound certain, “Anna -go outside,” he sighed, looking at me, “Go!” he barked. I rolled my eyes, pushed all my stuff into my bag and trudged to the front of the class, staring at Brandon Holland the whole time, I stopped in front of him and stared, “Anna, just leave my classroom!” Mr. Way tried again as I attempted to psyche out Brandon. I pushed all his crap off the table before I left, snickering childish and opening the classroom door.

Surprisingly I only had to wait five minutes before class ended and I was able to traipse back into the now empty classroom. Mr Way was sitting behind his desk, hands clasped. I closed the door and smiled hoping he wouldn’t kick off too much.

“Come here Anna,” he sighed pointing to the space beside his chair.

“I don’t like essays,” I whined, walking over carefully and standing beside him.

“I can’t give you exceptions, everyone else has to do to the work,” he said, turning on his chair and facing me. His dark hair was tucked behind his ears, his face was sprinkled with 5 o’clock shadow. The top of his shirt was unbuttoned, showing a bit off his pale chest.

“I’m kind of past caring,” I said cheekily, eyeing him up casually. He sat there with a blank look on his face, his eyes twitching.

“I’m asking you to do the work I set for you,” he said lowly as I hitched myself up onto his desk beside him, smiling sweetly, one leg folded over the other, “Anna please just do the work, you’re going to get me in trouble!” he said, almost begging. I let my eyes travel down his chest obviously, “Fuck sake,” he whimpered. I got to his crotch, biting my lip suggestively at the obvious bulge through his black school pants.

“It’s your own fault, control your thoughts sir,” I smirked.

“How can I?” he spat, his face turning anxious as I slid closer to him, both my legs dangling either side of his legs, “Anna my god, stop it!” he hissed, trying to push me away with his finger, like id be contagious if I touched him. I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Stop!” he said again desperately, standing up, his body in between my legs, “There are people outside -how am I going to get rid of this huh?” he hissed, so close to my face I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

“I have an idea...” I grinned cheekily, tracing the outline of his zip. He groaned, half in agitation, half in pleasure.

“Just-“ he shoved me away, making me fall back onto his desk, “Stop touching me, just stop,” he ordered, his eyes dropping to my risen school skirt, black pants on show to anyone who came into the room. I dropped off the desk elegantly, resisting a smirk when he backed away from me like I was a dinosaur. I kept walking up to him and until he bumped into the wall, eyes plastered on me. I rose my hand up his thigh, staring at him seductively, “Anna,” he whispered, grabbing my wrist sharply.

I yanked my wrist away, before suddenly standing on tip toes and pecking him on the cheek, grinning after at his dropping facial expression and sweaty composure.

“See you next lesson sir,” I smiled, turning on my heel and slowly walking out the room, smirking when I got to the door just to relish in the fact that he was still staring.
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you guys still with me? feedback.. up to chapter 20, no idea where im going with this. oh the joys of not having a clue how to end this! :p