Status: Thankyou so much for my two stars. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed Writing!

Dreaming Away Reality

Chapter 2-


School comes back around all too quickly. It is suffocating. You grip your books closer to you chest, and hasten your footsteps, to escape the crowds of jeering, giggling teenager's.

It's a joke. Does someone think it's funny, making life like this?

It is at times like these where you wonder. What is the point? You long to find a true love to live for, but it starts to dawn on you. Can anybody live up to your dreams?

You see your friend at the other end of the corridor, her nose in a book. That's how you met. You loved escaping into the silence of the library, and formed a bond with the only other girl who would sit there.

No one else dared to enter the library, for fear of being humiliated, but you didn't mind, though you usually checked over your shoulders before entering, making sure there no one saw you.

You pull out your Ipod, before plugging your headphones into your ears. Pulling your history out, you decide to make notes on the latest topic.

But the words soon blur before your eyes.

And your gone.

Your imagination has pulled you back in.

You decide to delve into some old dreams, pulling up dusty images from a long time ago. The music from your Ipod guides you along.

And the picture sharpens when a Jonas brother song comes on. They are your guilty pleasure, and guilty pleasures are the most fascinating to dream about.

After contemplating for an unknown amount of time, you decide on the youngest brother of the three- Nick Jonas.

You absent-mindedly settle back onto your chair, and firstly decide to re-design yourself.

Your long blonde hair flows down your back like a water fall, but you have it tied back in a loose but sexy plat.
You are skiing, and your designer gear highlights your perfect figure, even through all the layers.

You are a pro, and swoosh down the snow- blanketed slopes perfectly. That is when, while stopping for a moment to admire the view, you see him.

A bumbling snow boarder executing dangerous stunts, trying to out- run a small group of girls. He has to stop for a moment to avoid crashing into a young child, and is suddenly bombarded into, by the group of girls.

You gasp in shock, as you can tell that this was evidently on purpose.

The girls, after crashing into this unknown guy, roll down the slope a little further, but the guy remains still.

You quickly skii down to help the guy, and ignoring the giggling girls.

Are you OK, you enquire, still not recognising this boy, as your brain decides, in this situation, you have not heard of the Jonas Brothers.

He looks up at you with thankful eyes.

And that is when you are pulled out of your mind by the crude sound of the school bell.

You sigh heavily and blunder off to your next class, shoving your un-finished history notes into your bag.
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