Status: Thankyou so much for my two stars. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed Writing!

Dreaming Away Reality

Chapter 3


You sit down in your usual spot for English, taking your books out, vaguely aware of the rest of the class settling down, as the teacher shouts at them.

You pick up a pen, at a pretence of learning, intending to let the teacher's voice hum you back into your interrupted dream, when a voice questions;

'Can I sit here?'

You realise, this voice is adressing you, and you turn your head to see a boy standing beside you. You stare at him, examining.

He is of a regular build, wearing his school uniform scruffily, his shirt un-tucked, and his top button un-done, tie hanging loosely around his neck. He has a medium sized rounded nose, and a few freckles danced across his cheeks, he had a cheeky grin, and his sea green eyes were staring questioningly into mine.

Slung round his neck lies a black camera. His brown wavy hair flops across his forehead, and was cut just above his shoulders. Strands of it hung in odd directions, and he raises his left eye-brow at you, awaiting your answer.

You gave him a small smile and turned your head back towards the front. You didn't really mind, you just wanted to get back to your day dream.

He settles himself down in the seat next to you, taking your silence as a yes.

'I'm Dill' he states.

You look at him slightly annoyed, he is interrupting your day dream.

He carries on seemingly oblivious 'It's short for Dilligo, strange right? My parents thought it was romantic, because it means 'love' in Latin, my middle name is Verus, which means true, 'true love', it's weird, like I'm my parents love child or something, eugggh' he shudders.

'What's your name?' he asks.
The teacher calls for silence, but he is still waiting for an answer

'SoƱador' you whisper back, and you are rewarded with a smile.

But no matter how droning the teacher is today, you just can't get back into your day dream.
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