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Dreaming Away Reality

Chapter 8


You laugh as Dill grabs your hand on your way to school, and feel a skip in you step. No matter how amazing the fantasy's in your head get, nothing can ever beat this.

The unexpected joys of life.

The possible outcomes that your mind could never conjour up.

You feel free, as if you have been imprisoned inside your mind, an a darkness, for so long, and now you can finally feel, enjoy and dance in the sun bouncing off your pale skin.

You feel as if you have known Dill for years, and have fallen in love with him as easily as the sun shining.

You are amazed at the powerful intoxication array of emotions you feel towards this one scruffy, clumsy lad.

And whenever you see his smile you catch your breath.

You have fallen so easily for this boy, yet you feel as if it is right, that he won't let you down.

You feel as if you have been dreaming so long about someone loving you, and it has hit you right in the face.

It's intoxicating.

The hours drift into days, the days weeks. Time no longer seems to matter with Dill around.

It's scary being in a real relationship, but with it comes a real rush of adrenalin and excitement.

Your body is being bombarded with feelings you never knew even existed, feelings that probably don't even have a name.

You are doing much better in school, now that you aren't being pulled into your mind at the start of a teacher's drone, and you discover that you even enjoy some lessons.

He's good for you, and your good for him.
You find yourself dreaming, when he's not around, of white dresses, beautiful bouquets, and his face.

You love how he surprises you with simple kisses on the cheek, to show you he cares.

You have fallen deep for this boy.

The radio is now on loud in your room, and you dance around crazily to love songs.

The true miracle is, finally, love has managed to find you! And you never want to let it go.
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