Status: Thankyou so much for my two stars. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed Writing!

Dreaming Away Reality

Chapter 9


On your birthday, Dill surprises you with two train tickets to London.

You grin at yourself in the mirror, as you notice a natural beauty radiate from your smile. You promise yourself to smile more after experimenting with different expressions in the mirror.

You pull on a simple flowery dress, grab a coat and a bag, then skip off to the train station, Dill's arm warming your shoulder.

You arrive in London an hour later, and marvel at its unusual beauty.

At all of the people with all their separate lives, all in one place.

It amazes you.

Dill flashes out his camera, and creates freezes in time to remember forever.

He once explained to you that taking a picture was like capturing something beautiful, that is only there for a second, and that if you get it right, you become the secret holder of this frozen moment in time forever.

Looking around London you see what it means. It all moves so fast, that it's hard to keep up.

You are off soon, dragging Dill behind you, wanting to Witness everything happening.

You stand momentarily saddened when you see the homeless, but a joy fills your heart listening to the buskers.

This light shimmer eternally in London, and you stand with Dill by the river Thames, just taking it all in.

Dill drops his camera from his face, and you touch it, remembering its shape.

He kisses you on the lips softly, then becoming more passionate.

You feel the butterflies rising inside your stomach as a rush of emotion rises, and you kiss him back.

Never before have you been kissed like this, with such tenderness yet fierceness.
With such love and emotion.

It enthrals you.

You break the kiss after a moment, and hug Dill to you.

Wishing that this moment could last forever, as you share a clumsy smile with the one you love.
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