‹ Prequel: Hello Fascination
Sequel: Lousy Truth
Status: G'night and goodbye.

Just Like You


The bus is quiet, the clock way past midnight. I thought Oli's bus would be loud and rowdy no matter the time, but it seems that they have a bed time or something. I can hear the quiet noise of movies and music coming from the bunks, but all the lights is dimmed, almost completely off. I think I can even hear Lee snoring from the bunk across.

I turn on my side and cuddle close into Oli. He passed out as soon as we got into the bunk after making many dirty promises. I nuzzle his neck lightly, breathing in the alcohol, the sweat, and the faint pure Oli smell. His arm is lazily draped across me and our legs are intertwined. I smile into his skin and press a soft kiss there.

He stirs lightly, then rolls over back into sleep. I hug his back for a second before slipping out of the bunk. I pad quietly into the back room and close the sound proof door. There's a tv and a bunch of DVDs set up next to it.

Looking through them, I pick out one of them to watch. Popping it in, I settle in on the couch, tired but strangely awake.

After Oli got over his embarrassment, he apologized to Nate. He was quickly forgiven and Nate and Oli spent the remainder of the night hanging out. Oli always kept me nearby, always holding onto me. I didn't care that I wasn't the center of his attention; I'm not that kind of girl. I'm just glad I'm with him.

I'm falling in love with him. I've always thought I'd be afraid of falling so complete. Giving yourself so totally over to someone else is scary, but I'm not scared. I'm just... happy.

I sit on the couch, watching the movie but not really. When the movie ends, I'm still kind of awake. I find Oli's laptop and turn it on, my intention to check my neglected email. But when the desktop comes up, there's a file right in the middle with my name on it.

Feeling like a snoop and like I really shouldn't be doing this, I open it. Inside are documents and pictures. The pictures are all clothing designs that look kind of not like his clothing company would design. They're... less bloody. Definitely less creepy. They're actually kind of cute.

The documents are saved emails between him and... Paul Griffths? What is going on? I read over the first one, dated back before Oli and I met. Paul was approaching him about doing a collab. Oli refused. The next one is from after Oli and I met, the night of actually. Oli emailed Paul back, saying he changed his mind. But he had a condition: It had to be for me.

Scrolling quickly over the business parts, I'm surprised and excited when I see the plans they have. They've both had so many ideas that they've decided, what with my popularity and their clothing labels success, that there would be an entire line based on me and my music.

Unable to contain my excitement, I go to Oli and gently shake him awake. I don't tell him anything, knowing it would sound bad. I just pull him down into a passionate kiss, giving him everything I've got. He comes out of it, dazed and smiling.

“What was that for?” His accent is thicker now and I smile. He's still sleepy and it's adorable the way he looks right now.

“Nothing. You're just the best.” A familiar smirk curls onto his lips as he wakes up more and loses the adorableness. He helps pull me onto the bunk and quickly flips me onto my back. I look up into those eyes of his and smile. Trailing a finger down the side of his cheek lightly, I pull him in for a kiss. His lips are hungry and demanding. I yield, my body melting against his. He drops his face into my neck, squeezing me tight.

Confused, I turn his head so he’s looking at me. He sighs at my unasked question.

“We’re headed for a hotel tomorrow. Please stay with me,” his words are light, but we both know what they really mean. I kiss him again and smile against his skin.

“Of course, Oli. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

We don’t say anything more. He just pulls me into his arms and turns us over to our sides. I feel him press light kisses on my neck and I smile.


When we get to the venue the next morning, Kayla and Emily jump me. They drag me off to a quiet part of the parking lot and corner me.

I look between them, completely confused. What do they want from me?

“You’re doing it again.” Cryptically, she exchanges a look with Emily. Emily sighs and looks at me.

“Guinn, babe, we love you. We really do. But you need to wake up!” she snaps her fingers in my face and I flinch. “Oli is not the guy for you. I don’t know why or how you think he is, but he isn’t!”

“Obvious reason number one: You don’t even live in the same country. Being from different states is hard enough, but with the entire Atlantic between you?” Kayla cuts in and Emily nods in agreement.

“Reason number two: You two are in totally completely different genres. So if you ever wanted to do a tour together, forget that! No one would go because you two would be a joke. It’s okay here because it’s Warped Tour, but what are you going to do after that?”

“Number three: He’s used to sleeping with a lot of girls. He’s a man-whore. He’s not going to change overnight.”

They come at me, back and forth between the two of them until I’m crying. I can’t believe they’d do something like this. They’re saying all this horrible, terrible things. They’re supposed to be my best friends. Finally, I can’t take it anymore.

“You know what? Fuck the both of you! Oli and I really like each other, okay? It’s not going to change just because you two think we’re doomed. We’re not. We actually have something! So go fuck yourselves! After this, you can just fucking leave. I don’t need friends like you. And you know? You’re both really terrible at your instruments, okay?!”

I walk off, fuming. How could they say that shit? How could they?

I wander around until I end up at the catering tent. I get in line for a lack of things to do. Angrily, I mutter to myself about shitty friends. A light elbow to my side beings me out of it and I blink at Nicholls.

“Uh… I know I don’t know you very well, but is everything okay?” He seems genuine and actually concerned. I let a deep sigh and shake my head.

“What do you do when your best friends turn around and completely tear down everything you want? They’re allowed to have their opinions, but to completely destroy me… That isn’t allowed, right?” He looks confused before he shrugs.

“Well, if you think your friend is doing something really stupid, it’s only right to tell them. But the way you do it is completely subjective,” he shakes the hair out of his face and awkwardly smiles. I smile back, laughing a little.

“You’re really smart, aren’t you? I mean, I bet music wasn’t your only choice?” We both laugh a little bit and our conversation drifts into calmer waters.

“So guess what I just realized!” I say as we navigate our way through the close tables. He shrugs again as he spots a table. “I don’t actually know what your first name is. I’ve just been calling you Nicholls…”

He laughs at that and shakes his head a little in disbelief. “Really? That’s sad. You’ve been sending all this time with me and the guys, not to mention Oli, and you don’t even know my first name?” He chuckles, still thinking I’m stupid. “Quick, who are the others?”

“Lee! I know Lee. And then there’s… Matt? And Jonas?” I know I’m not right, but I hope I’m somewhere close.

“Oh, so you do know my first name?” He’s chuckling, but I don’t get it. When he sees how lost I am exactly, he laughs again. “There’s Matt Kean and me, Matt Nicholls. I thought you were just calling me Nicholls to avoid getting confused. And it’s Jona, not Jonas.”

“Well… I’m stupid.” I mumble as I take a bite of my sandwich. He laughs again but before he says anything more, someone from another band comes over to talk to him. I fiddle with my phone and continue eating a little. Nicholls is really getting into the conversation, something about the scene currently, but they’re not talking about my kind of music. I’m shut out of the conversation and I can’t help but feel awkward and even more by the second.

Thankfully, a thin frame slips into the seat next to mine. Oli leans over and kisses me. He kisses my cheek and smiles.

“Where’d you go?” I can’t tell him about what Emily and Kayla said. He’d hate them. I just shrug and kiss him again. Something bounces off my head and I look over at Nicholls, an inquiring eyebrow raised.

“Some people are trying to eat food here, not each other’s faces.” I giggle and toss the napkin back at him. Oli rolls his eyes at our childish antics until I toss a piece of lettuce at him. He gapes at me before growling playfully.

“You’re gonna regret that.” I squeal and run away, dodging people and tables until I break out of there. I can hear Oli chasing after me and faintly in the background, Nicholls cheering me on. Laughing at absolutely nothing, I run to the venue. The doors opened a half hour earlier and we’re by the back of the venue. It’s pretty deserted, but there are still people to dodge.

I spot the Bbycakes tent and run in. Paul looks at me like I’m crazy when I hide behind the counter. Oli comes in and quickly catches me. We’re both laughing and a little out of breath. His eyes are bright with silliness and he’s grinning like a fool. He’s beautiful.

“What the bloody hell is wrong with the two of you? Are you mental? Am I going to have to find another person to sponsor?” Paul’s eyeing us like we’re going to start tearing down the tent next, which sets me off into a set of giggles. Oli tries to quiet me by kissing my neck. He hits the ticklish spot and I start giggling even more.

“Well, I’m glad to see you’re having fun…” Paul says before kicking us out to finish setting up.

I look innocently up at Oli. “I thought there was something about you paying me back? There seemed to be a steamy, hot promise in that. You gonna follow through?”

He growls again, but he’s smirking. I kiss the corner of that adorable smirk and he catches me up in his arms for a real kiss.

“Just wait for tonight, you impatient chit.” I giggle again and pull him back down to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
ode to the importance of comments:

oh, lovely, lovely comments.
I'm getting ripped by my creative writing teacher.
I need to love and kind criticism.
otherwise I'm gonna clam up again and stop writing.
yet again.

(I'm a writer, not a poet.)