The Disneyland Chronicles: Volume I: Tomorrowland

Chapter Three: Life as a Hostage

Caroline woke up in the middle of night and saw everyone else still asleep. She sat up and leaned against the door and rubbed her eyes. As luck would have it, that was right when the door opened and she fell out. Two sets of hands reached down and dragged her to a standing position before leading her down the corridor. She heard the loud clang of the metal door closing and took a deep, calming breath. What was going to happen to her? She was new; she didn’t know what was going on. They couldn’t expect her to know anything, could they?

The two Soldiers threw her roughly to the ground and she quickly stood back up and faced a man with a long jacket and sharp, spiked hair. His eyes were yellow and if you could describe him as an animal, it would some type of cat.

“So you are a member of The Mode crew, correct?” he asked with a deep booming voice, yet it also seemed to have a private tone to it.

“Yes,” said Caroline looking around at all the Soldiers in the room. They had sleek black armour that made them seem more deadly than their leader.

“I have not seen you before. What is your name?” he asked crossing his arms in a menacing stance.

“Caroline Hinson,” she responded her voice faltering a slight bit.

“Well Miss Hinson, I believe your crew planned to destroy my ship last night and I do not take things like that lightly. I understand you have an armada ready to attack once fully assembled. How about we make a deal, shall we? You call off your troops and we’ll let you and the rest of the crew go,” he said staring directly at Caroline.

“All negotiations will be made with Captain Norton,” said Caroline sternly.

“Oh come on, the old boy is asleep, let him rest. What do you say, do you want to go free?” he asked with a softer tone.

“All negotiations will be made with Captain Norton,” Caroline repeated. This enraged the Sixth Lord and he delivered a hefty punch to the side of Caroline’s face. Her head forcefully turned to the side and she put a hand on her cheek. It was burning from the force of the impact. The hit did not look so fierce but this Sixth Lord had inhuman strength, which makes sense considering he is not human.

“Very well. Men bring her back to the cell and bring Captain Norton to me. Treat them however you see fit,” he said looking at Caroline as he said the last line. Caroline was grabbed roughly, once again, by two sets of hands and dragged back to the cell. She watched as three other soldiers took Norton from his slumber. He resisted and they punched him the gut. He let out a pathetic wheeze before he was dragged out of the cold cell. Caroline was shoved in and the door was slammed shut behind her.

With all the commotion going on the others had woken up by now and were staring at her.

“What did you do?” asked Parker.

“You didn’t by any chance run into a wall did you?” asked Shiva. Caroline was confused until Walker pointed at his cheek. Caroline knew then that the punch had left a highly visible mark on her face.

“I was on the receiving end of a punch from the Sixth Lord,” she said with a bit of pride in her voice. It sounded like something very few would survive.

“What did they want?” asked Walker.

“To negotiate. If we called off the attack they would let us go. I told them all negotiations would be made by the captain,” she said leaning back against the wall, and far away from the door.

“Smart. That is the right thing to do,” said Shiva nodding her head in approval.

“He’ll be okay, right?” Caroline couldn’t help but ask.

“Who? The Captain? Sure, he’s a strong man,” said Shiva confidently.

“I can’t wait to start kicking some Sixth butt!” said Parker getting excited.

“We’re still stuck in this cell so sit down,” said Shiva pulling Parker down. They sat in silence waiting, hoping, for their captain to come back in one piece. It was a long time before anyone spoke.

“Hey Walker what is your name?” asked Parker, not being able to handle the silence anymore.

“Sky,” he said monotonously.

“Wait- so, is it Sky Walker?” he asked slowly forming the name in his head.

“Yes,” said Walker retaining a slight smirk at how naïve Parker is.

“Wait a minute I know that name,” said Parker now trying to figure out where the name came from.

“He’s using an alias,” said Shiva hitting Parker in the head. He rubbed it and glared at Shiva.

“Witch,” he mumbled, still rubbing his head.

“Can you at least try to act your age?” asked Caroline with her eyes closed. She was about to fall asleep before Parker crushed all hopes of that happening.

“Fine I’ll be quiet, but you’ll miss my voice,” he said crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Caroline closed her eyes again and tried to fall back asleep. Shiva was reading a book that she kept in her back pocket. Walker leaned back staring up at the cell ceiling, and Parker began to do one of the most annoying things anyone could do when people are trying to be in their own world. Some tune was playing in his head because a few minutes later he started banging on his knees like a pair of drums.

“PARKER!” all three yelled at him and he put his hands up in surrender.

“Okay, sitting on my hands,” he said and he sat cross legged on his hands. “You know I feel more in prison then you all do,” he said looking at what all of them were doing.

“That’s your own fault,” said Shiva turning a page of her book.

“I can’t help it-,” he responded before Caroline interrupted.

“Look, I woke up early and then I was taken by those creepy ninja Soldiers, so I’m tired. Can you all just shut up so I can get some decent rest before any action starts?” asked Caroline glaring at Shiva and Parker.

“Sorry,” said Shiva and Parker. Caroline sighed and closed her eyes once more. This time everyone stayed silent; Parker had found a loose string on his shirt that kept him entertained.
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OKay I'm fixing all the chapters since I managed to forget to post the real chapter two. The order should be back right now. Sorry.

I'm trying to incorporate things from the different rides in Tomorrowlad, the whole power things is from Toy Story 2 (the beginning with Buzz) and a lot of the events happening are from Star Wars; if you didn't notice.

More action to come in the next chapter. Thanks for reading, comments are appreciated.
