The Disneyland Chronicles: Volume I: Tomorrowland

Chapter Five: The Great Escape

The Sixth Base thundered with outside attacks. The crew had very little time to locate the girls and head to the hanger and escape in their ship before their base destroyed the power. If that were to happen then they were going down with the Sixth Lord.

“Get back,” said Norton. They moved and hid behind a wall as a few Soldiers ran by.

“We aren’t going to get very far with all the Soldiers parading around,” said Walker. Norton turned and looked at them and nodded to the idea. They looked around for something that could work; a vent maybe.

“Hey I have an idea,” said Parker from inside a room. Walker and Norton walked in and caught the two Soldier outfits that were tossed towards them.

“It’s better to blend in. Hurry get these on,” ordered Norton. Unfortunately there were no weapons in the room but they should get farther with the disguise. They ran down the corridor, only slowing to a demanding walk when other Soldiers were near.

“Question? How are we going to find them in this giant base?” asked Parker.

“You’re the one who saw the map,” said Norton, “lead us through to other chambers.”

“Er, okay?” said Parker. He began to lead the group through the complicated labyrinth of Sixth Base. Parker was getting more confused by the minute and the other tow noticed.

“We’re lost aren’t we?” asked Norton as they walked into a large room that was deserted.

“Oh yeah,” replied Parker looking around.

“You couldn’t at least figure out the way to the hanger?” asked Walker.

“This place is huge and I only saw a bit of the map,” said Parker, “and the map wouldn’t help us find the girls.”

“Stop bickering, that won’t help us find them either. Any ideas where they could be?” asked Norton looking back and forth between the two.

“I have an idea,” said a great voice from behind them, “how about right here?” They turned around and saw the Sixth Lord, his advisors, and Caroline and Shiva. Both had pleading looks on their faces and were still dressed up in their new ‘uniforms’.

“Welcome gentlemen, I am so glad you could join us,” he said getting up from his chair and walking towards them. They held their ground.

“What have you done to them?” asked Norton, his eyes staring straight at the Sixth Lord.

“Oh nothing, it’s more of what they have done to us,” he said with a smirk, “they dance very well.”

“You son of a-” started Parker advancing towards the Sixth Lord.

“Parker,” said Norton holding an arm out, “why don’t you let the girls go.”

“Will you call off the attack?” asked the Sixth Lord.

“Yes,” said Norton.

“What?” asked Parker looking at his captain. The Sixth Lord looked Norton over and nodded. The girls were brought forward with soldiers holding them on either side.

“Do it,” said the Sixth Lord as he handed Norton a communication’s device. He paused before roughly taking it from his hand and pressing a button.

“This is Captain Norton, I wish to call off the attack,” he spoke into it.

“This is Captain Washing. Why would we do that?” was the response.

“To save the lives of a valuable crew,” said Norton.

“Oh, okay,” was the response. The firing on the outside stopped and the Sixth Lord smiled and took his device back.

“Lock them up!” he ordered. Soldiers grabbed the men and they struggled against their restraints.

“You said you would let us go,” said Parker.

“That was earlier negotiations, this time it was only for the girls to go,” said the Sixth Lord. The girls were roughly shoved forward and they stumbled before looking at their crew for some sign as to what was going on. That’s when they felt a blast from outside; it was much stronger and rocked the base.

“You lie!” shouted the Sixth Lord over the blasts. Norton nodded to his crew before they attacked the Soldiers holding them back. It took many hard punches before they could knock their Soldiers out, but when they did they took off running. Walker noticed Caroline was frozen in her spot from all the action happening around them and he turned and grabbed her arm and ran for it, following the rest of the crew. They made many sharp turns and Walker still dragged Caroline behind him.

The farther they went the stronger the blasts were. Their base was leading the crew to the hanger with their blasts. Finally The Mode came into sight, but first there was a large amount of Soldiers to get through.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have a feeling volume I will be coming to an end soon in the next chapter or too. I will try to get more of the Tomorrowland rides and what not into the story.

Thanks for reading, comments are appreciated.
