The Numb Pain

It is real...

As my head cleared and my vision returned, I looked around to see that i was lying on the floor. I remembered the pain, and checked my body to make sure if it was still there. Instead of seeing blood, severed limbs, burnt and frozen pieces of my body everywhere, it was still in one piece, no evidence of what had just happened was real. The only difference was my skin was...glowing. I stood up to examine the rest of myself, but nothing was different except the faint glow my skin gave off. I turned around to face myself in the mirror, and my eyes were a shade lighter, the color a little bit brighter, and glowing just like my skin. I looked the same, but at the same time I felt like a stranger to myself. Then finally the thought slammed into me like a two-ton bolling ball...What the hell just happened?!?! All I remember is passing out, Seeing the red Creature, and him talking about my gift of the curse or something like that...wait, maybe that's it, maybe what happened isn't real, or else I would have marks on my body, wouldn't I? So if i take this needle and stick it through me finger, I will feel pain, and it all would have been just some insane dream! I picked up the needle on my desk and got ready to poke myself with it. With my right hand, I gently took the needle and carefully and slowly brought the the end towards me index finger on my left hand, bracing myself for the sting of the needle. I pushed it into the skin, expecting a shooting pain and some blood. I waited. I pushed it in a little bit farther. But I felt nothing, and blood was beginning to come out, yet i still felt nothing. I began to panic, I realized that my blood looked like it had...sparkles? Were there sparkles in my blood? What the heck?!?! How do I have sparkly blood? How is that even scientifically correct? But worst of all, why cant I feel anything? Why do I have sparkly blood? Why is my skin glowing? Why are my eyes like this? Oh no, what if it is real? No it cant be. It just cant, not to me... What did the red creature mean when he said that I cant feel any pain and only someone Else's? Should I tell someone about this? No I cant, they would think i was crazy. But maybe I am crazy. Should I tell my mom? Like she would ever believe me. What do I do? Whats wrong with me? Whats going on with me? What if-
"Vivify! come down here!" my mothers voice interrupted my hurricane of thoughts. I ran down stairs faster then I usual would, but I didn't notice. When I came into the kitchen my mom was chopping vegetables.
"hey sweetie, what do you want to eat for your birthday?" she asked me.
"um...any-anything is fine mom..." I stammered, my attention somewhere else. Should I tell her? she might believe me...
"Vivian, are you wearing contacts?" My mother asked me in a serious voice while continuing to chop vegetables.
"uh.." I stammered, but before I could finish my sentence, I was thankfully interpreted by my mom screeching in pain. She wasn't paying attention to where she was cutting, and she had accidentally cut her finger, very deeply. In concern, I grabbed her hand to examine the wound. But as soon I made contact with her skin, I felt a sudden pain in my own hand. It had felt like I was the one who was deeply cut, and it stung so bad. "Ouch!" I yelped in pain, still holding on to mom's hand, but she was starring in fascination at her own hand to pay attention to me. Her face was in awe ans she saw her wound stopped bleeding and the wound began to heal.
"I could have sworn..." She stammered in surprise. She looked up at me in amazement as she said "It doesn't hurt anymore!" I pulled away my hand, examining it where the pain was coming from. But when I pulled away my hand, the pain was instantly gone and mom was yelping again. "What? I don't understand...It was gone just a second ago, and now its back!" She looked up at me with questions in her eyes. Oh God, then...then it means that its true. I have the curse of the gift...I have to tell her...but first I have to heal her...
I grabbed moms hands again already expecting pain, and in a pained voice i said
"mom? I have to tell you something...
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