

Freak. Outcast. Monster.

All of these were things I had been called in the corse of my now 17 year life. A life that I couldn't escape. For a few years, I believed what they called me, all of the other kids in the orphanage. I really did think I was a monster.

"She flies when she sleeps!"
"When she pushed Timmy he went across the room!"
"Things float around her!"
"What is she?"
"You don't belong here."

The voices of my peers, of my so called "family". That was what the sign on the front of the orphanage building said.

"Separated we are lost, together we are a family."

For me, I felt like the only friend I had were the two other people similar to me. Kyle and Angela were my closest and only friends because they too were given the same names that I was. We all knew we were different but we didn't know why.

Kyle could walk through walls and see through them too. When we first became friends, he would sneak into my room at night and we would talk. He was like a brother to me. He was my first family member.

The day that Angela showed up, both Kyle and I knew she was one of us. On the first night, I woke up to the sound of her screaming. When I ran over to her, I noticed that her eyes were dripping with tears. After someone through the lights on, I placed my hand down on her.

"Don't," she mumbled. I did anyway. Suddenly, I felt very depressed. I began to cry without even thinking about it. I had no idea why but I felt like I needed to cry. Angela quickly moved her arm away from me. "I told you not too."

The next morning, she sat with Kyle and I at breakfast. She explained to us that whenever she has a nightmare, she cannot control her powers; the power to control emotions. Another family member added. We decided we would form a club. We called ourselves KAK which stood for Kyle, Angela and Kerry. We all knew it was pretty silly but it made us feel more together.

The three of us were all 15 when we started to try to control our powers. I was starting to be able to figure out exactly what I could do. I knew I could make things float just by thinking of them floating. Every time I did, though, I would become exhausted depending on how heavy the thing was.

"Think it has something to do with gravity? Let's drop an apple on your head and find out." Kyle joked during lunch at school. He then picked up the apple off of his tray and tossed it at my head. An inch away from my face is when I stopped it, focusing my vision on it. These tiny games were usual for the three of us. Just messing around while hiding out behind the school eating lunch.

That day was different.

"I'm pretty sure it has to do with my mind or something. Not gravity. And quit throwing things at my head." The apple was now floating in front of my face. I smiled a bit as it suddenly flew in Kyle's direction. The apple flew past Kyle's head, it slammed into the face of the schools star football player, going behind the school to smoke cigarettes. He tumbled sideways and hit the ground. Hard.

All three of us shot up from the ground as his two other friends started to approach us and needless to say, none of them looked happy.

I noticed Kyle crack his knuckles but when he looked up at me, I shook my head telling him not to do anything drastic yet.

"What the hell do you nerds think you're doing!?" One of them yelled, throwing his varsity jacket to the side as he began flexing his mussels and stretching out his arms. "Kyle Monarc, did you do this?" They slowly started to approach Kyle, neither of them making eye contact with Angela or I.

"Guys, run." Kyle said, not turning his eyes away from the two boys coming closer towards him.

"We're not leaving you." I mumbled under my breath as I took a defensive stance. Angela was more hesitant about what she thought was about to happen. She looked down at her hands, then at me and when I gave her a nod, her face lost all emotion, the way she usually looked when she was going to use her powers.

The first move was made by one of the football players. He lunged out towards Kyle but didn't lay a hand on him. Before he could, he was floating in the air.

"What!?" He yelled as I used most of my strength to levitate him about ten feet away. He was high enough in the air for him to get knocked out when he hit the ground. Or he was just scared shitless. Either one.

The second boy started charging towards Kyle. As he reached out his hand to grab him, it went right through, crushing against the wall behind him. The boy jolted backwards and grabbed his hand in pain. Angela placed her had on his neck and closed her eyes. Two seconds and he was out cold.

"I made him tired," She said, panting a little bit, "Really tired." This was the first time any of us had used our powers on other people. We were all shaking a little bit.

"I didn't know you could do that." Kyle mumbled as he stepped away.

Out of no where, a woman in a tight suit and slicked back hair stepped out from behind the corner. All three of us jumped back in terror, In fear of what might happen if she did see what just occurred. We feared the consequences.

"Please, don't be alarmed. I'm here to talk to you three. Your teacher said I would find you behind here," Her eyes then scanned the three boys lying on the floor in pain. "I'm here to talk to you about your gift." She said.

"Gift?" Kyle mumbled, "More like curse."

"Maybe to you, but I can help you control your powers. I can help you become twice the mutant you ever dreamed of being." She said, a small smirk growing on her face.

"Mutant." I mumbled softly under my breath. 'So that's what we are.'

"Aren't you sick of being treated poorly by humans just because you're different then them? Aren't you fed up with being afraid of your powers? Join me and I can help you take command of them and once you do that, nothing will stand in the way of what you want. If you come with me then I'll bring you to a place with mutants like you. You'll change schools and go to a place where no one knows who you are or what you are."

Her words sounded beautiful to all of us. No more torment? Control of our powers? All of these things sounded unreal and yet she was standing in front of us telling us that we could have them.

"I'm in." Angela mumbled. The woman smirked.

"Yeah, me too! I'm sick of this place anyway!" Kyle shouted with a large grin on his face.

The woman then turned to me, her eyes like a snakes.

"And what of you, Kerry? Will you join me? Your gift is different from many I have seen and I know that you can use it for your own self gain. You can control it," She paused for a moment, her smirk growing a little bit more, "You can go to a place where you belong." With those words, my choice was made. I looked up at her and and took a deep breath, stepping closer to Kyle. Both of us made eye contact as he gave me a small smile, hoping to calm my nerves.

"I'll do it. I want to go to this place." I said, my voice shaking a little bit.

Her smirk grew into a smile when suddenly her appearance changed completely to a tall, thin woman with blue skin and red hair. "Good. My name is Mystique and I would like to welcome you three to the Brotherhood."
♠ ♠ ♠
So if you haven't gotten the basic idea of how this is going to work, I have one person with the X-Men and one person with the Brotherhood.

Please, I have to insist that you read this: Click here.

It has very important information about this story.

Also, two important notes:

Note 1: This story will jump around from 1st person to 3rd person. When it does do that, I will write it in the short discription. Also, different characters will be in 3rd person (i.e. characters that I do not own. ex: X-Men and Brotherhood characters.

Note 2: The structure of this story is based almost identically off of the story line of X-Men: Evolution. Meaning that most of the chapters are the same events that take place in the episodes with changes and (obviously) characters added. Depending on where the action is, I will decide if the two main character's (Ashley and Kerry) stories will alternate or not.

If you read all of this, please make a comment saying you did and I will read one chapter of one of you stories and make a comment. If I love it, I'll subscribe and maybe make a banner. Thank you!

One last thing. I do know that Kyle and Kitty have very, very similar powers. Did I do this on prepose? Maybe. Maybe not. You'll have to wait and see.

Comments = Quicker updates.

And yes, I do know I'm making a very close to the story fan fiction. That was the idea.

Much love!!!,

P.s. more comments here = quicker updates on OTHER stories as well :D (not a bribe.)