Status: Active

Wake up, Ashlyn

It was a beautiful meadow. The kind only seen in movies or dreams. Nothing could be seen but the tall grasses. They danced in the wind and their smell filled the air making it sweet. I stood in a white dress, following around my knees. My bronze hair in waves and playing in the wind and across my face. No shoes were on my feet and no glasses on my nose. Yet, I saw everything clearer. The sky as blue as blue gets. The clouds look as if something from a painting, the sun hugging them. I just stood in the meadow. I didn’t move or think of moving. As if I was waiting for something, for someone. I was right. I felt the hands slowly dance to mine. I turned to face him. He looked as he always did. His dirty blond hair short, his eyes the same hazel as they always are. His height the same amount above mine. His body still strong and beautiful, there just for protecting. He smiled his white smile at me. My heart melted. His lips tried to form words, but none came out. I waited for them, but they never appeared. I looked at him confused. What was he trying to say? I saw as the meadow around me began to disappear, along with the smell and the sun. It all went dark. I looked back at him and saw him dimming too. He moved his lips once more and tried to form words.

“Wake up, Ashlyn,” he said before it all went black. Then it was gone, I was gone. The only thing was I still heard the same words repeat over and over again. Wake up, Ashlyn. Wake up.