Caitlin's Trip

The Beginning

"C'mon, Caitlin, stop being such a prune."
"I'm not being a prune, I just--"
"There's nothing to worry about."
"Just use the damn condom, Miles."
"No, it's uncomfortable, besides it's fine."

*Later that month*
I wake up and make my way to the bathroom, third day late. I walk down the hall to ask my mother for advice; after all, I was the result of a teen pregnancy.
"Mom," I say slowly.
"Yeah Caitlin?"
"I need to tell you something."
"What's that?" I sit down at the table next to her.
"I think I'm pregnant." A look of rage whips across her face.
"Get out! Out of my house!"
"What? You're kicking me out?!"
"Yes! I raised you a certain way, you went against that. I have no daughter!" she yells as she pushes me out the front door.

I decide to walk the three blocks to Miles's house, when I get there he answers the door in only a pair of jeans.
"Hi Caitlin, what are you wearing?"
"My mom kicked me out of the house before I could get dressed." I say stepping into the house.
"What for?"
"That's what I wanted to talk to about, I think I'm pregnant." I say nervously.
"You little whore! You can't prove it's mine."
"Miles, what the fuck? You're the son of bitch who refused to use a condom!" I yell as I storm out of his house. This is officially the worst day ever.

I get back to my house and I see that my mother left for work so I climb in through my bedroom window. I lie on my bed and cry for some time and then I regain my composure. I walk to my closet and pull out a duffle bag and start filling it with clothes, then I make my way to the kitchen to get some food. All we had were pop tarts and a few cans of soda and a couple of muffins my mom stole form the diner she works at. It was good enough. I take a shower and get dressed. Then I walked out the door with only the clothes on my back and the duffle bag over my shoulder. I walk past Miles's house and see that his bedroom window is open. I climb in and take his stash of joints, then run out of there.

By evening, I managed to hitchike to a truck stop a few towns over. I walk into the diner to use the washroom.
"Great." I mumble to myself as I look down at my blood soaked underwear. "All that drama for nothing." I grab my bag and pull out a clean pair of underwear lined it with paper towel. I took the pair that was covered in the proof I was not pregnant and washed them in the sink.

I walk along the side of the highway hoping for a lift, when finally, a dingy car pulls over. I make my way to the passenger side and a guy, about my age with gorgeous eyes, unlocks the door.
"Where you headed?" he asks.
"As far away as possible." I say sitting next to him.
"Okay, that's where I'm headed." He says as he drives down the highway. "What's your name or should I just call you Whatsername?"
"My name's Caitlin, but you can call me Whatsername for all I care." I say shrugging.
"I'm Jimmy" he says as he reaches over to shake my hand.