Caitlin's Trip


"Where the fuck is my gun?!" Tunny yells at the top of his lungs waking me up in the process.
"I don't know, don't you keep it in the drawer?" Darcy asks.
"Yeah, well it's not here!" he yells again. I open my eyes and realize I'm alone in the room, I realize what must've happened.
"Jimmy! Where's Jimmy?!" I yell over Darcy and Tunny.
"What? I thought he was with you." Darcy says looking around the apartment.
"The Bay." I say running out of the apartment and the two of them chasing after me.
"Caitlin, calm down!" Darcy yells after me, but I ignore her and keep running.

Jimmy died today he shot his brains out into the bay, in the state of my mind, it's my own private suicide.

I burst through the door of The Bay View to see Jimmy standing at the bar with the gun to his head.
I fall to my knees and my head falls into my hands as I weep.
"What the fuck?" I hear Jimmy's voice say. I look up and see him standing on the bar cocking the gun again.
"NO!" I yell.
"Caitlin!" he yells out as Tunny and Darcy burst through the door.
"It's okay, the gun is filled with blanks." Tunny says out of breath. Jimmy throws the gun to the floor. I walk up to Jimmy and slap him across the face.
"Why the fuck would you do that?! I know life is hard but don't take the coward's way out!" I yell as tears fill my eyes, "You were just going to leave me here!"
"I never meant to hurt you." he says putting his hand to his face where I slapped him.
"Bull shit! Do you know what would happen to me if you were gone!" I yell again as Tunny and Darcy leave the club.
"I wasn't thinking." He mutters.
"Jeez, what happened to your idea about opening your own club, the future you had planned out?!"
"Like that could ever happen! My future's bleak and you know it!" he yells.
"It's not fucking bleak if you're willing to do something about it!"
"I need help." He says as he sits on the floor and puts his head in his hands.
"I'll help you." I say sitting next to him.