Caitlin's Trip

New Lust for Life

Lying on the hospital bed tired as fuck, I've never been so happy looking down at my healthy son in my arms. Jimmy is sitting next to me caressing the infant's face.
"So what are we going to name him?" Jimmy asks softly.
"I was thinking about Ethan." I say kissing the infant's forehead.
"I like that name." he says thoughtfully.

The woman I'm sharing a room with looks over at us.
"Dear god, how old are you?" she asks with a look of disturbance.
"Twenty-two." Jimmy mutters.
"Both of you?" she asks annoyingly.
"Yeah." I say rolling my eyes.
"Sorry, I thought you were sixteen." She says going back to reading her magazine. An older woman walks into the room and sits next to the nosey magazine lady.
"Those two look awfully young to have a child," she mutters.
"Well, sort of, they're older than they look, but they're still pretty young."
"But still, look at them, they're covered in tattoos and look at how many ear piercings that girl has." The elderly lady says, "That poor child will not grow up right."
"We can hear you." Jimmy says rudely. The elderly lady turns an interesting shade of red.
"Come Clair, let's take a little walk." She says helping the other lady out of bed.

"Do you think they're right?" Jimmy asks worriedly.
"About what." I say adjusting the blanket around Ethan.
"About, Ethan not growing up right?"
"Don't be ridiculous." I say kissing Jimmy thoughtfully.
"Well we both came from broken homes, hell my father left when I was just a little kid!" he rambles nervously, I silence him with a kiss.
"Ethan will be fine, because we know what not to do, we'll figure out what to do when the time comes." I say as I put Ethan in Jimmy's arms.
"He's so tiny."
"Imagine what that woman would say if she found out we ran a club." I say laughing. Jimmy looks at me strangely for a second and starts laughing too.

I proudly carry Ethan out of the hospital two morning's later. Jimmy takes the child out of my arms and puts him in the car seat. We drive up to the club and carry Ethan inside.
Tunny runs up to me excitedly.
"Hey little guy, I'm your uncle Tunny." He says in a childish voice.
"Uncle Tunny?" I ask cynically.
"Yes, well you don't seem to have any family around here, someone has to be his uncle." Tunny says proudly, "it is a he right?"
"Yeah, it's a he." Jimmy says rolling his eyes.
"Oh baby's here!" Darcy says excitedly. "What's his name?"
"Ethan." I say proudly.
"Oh baby Ethan." She says taking my son out of my arms and hugging him.
"Baby's first stripper." Tunny says evilly.
"I'm not a stripper anymore!" Darcy says angrily as she hands back Ethan.
"Oh right, you're a perfectly respectable bartender." Tunny says in mono-tone.
"That's right." She says smugly.
"Ethan, this is your Aunt Darcy." Tunny says in a childish voice yet again. Jimmy is now rocking Ethan gently in his arms.
"Can I hold him?" Jimmy looks at me nervously.
"I washed my hands" Tunny pleads.
"Okay, be careful." I say as Jimmy cautiously hands Ethan to Tunny.
"Oh yes we're going to have lots of fun, I'll take you to your first strip club, buy you your first beer..."
"Tunny!" I say laughing. "Can he at least have a childhood?"
"Yeah sure no problem." Tunny says handing the child back to Jimmy. "Darcy now I want one."
"One what?"
"A baby, they're so cute." He says in a childish voice.
"Are you going to carry it for nine months?" she asks tilting her head.
"You know I can't. How about this I carry you everywhere, so technically I'm carrying the baby." He says brilliantly.
"Okay I'll consider it losing my figure for a baby." She says hugging Tunny, "Besides, Ethan's going to need someone to hang out with."