Caitlin's Trip

My Name Is Jimmy

"What happened to your hand?" I ask looking at the white clot wrapped around it.
"Uh, I slit it." He says shrugging, "Sort of a stupid thing to do, it stings like crazy now." We drive in silence with only the buzz of the radio for a while. We drive under some pylons and the radio goes dead. Jimmy hits it, but there's no change in the transmission.
"So what's your story?" he asks.
"What do you mean?"
"You're obviously a run-a-way, why'd you run away?" he asks glancing over at me.
"I thought I was pregnant, my mother disowned me, my boyfriend claimed it could not be his and I had no place else to go."
"Pregnant, huh?" he says looking over at me again.
"No, it was a false alarm, but I'm still glad I got out of that shit-town." I say looking out the window. "What about you?"
"Me? I got sick of the same shit repeating itself and everything was going to the dogs, so I left."
"I respect that." I say nodding. "Do you mind if I stick with you for a while?"
"No, but you have to pitch in for gas money."
"I don't have any real money, but I can sell these." I say taking the plastic bag with the stolen pot out of my pocket.
"Alright, but won't you miss them?" he smirks in amusement.
"They're not mine, I stole them from my ex-boyfriend, so he'll be missing them." I say as I laugh lightly at the situation.
"He won't come after you?" Jimmy asks nervously, "like in those cheesy horror films."
"Nah, he'll figure his brother took them."
"So, do you have a specific destination?" I ask after a few more minutes of silence.

"Urgh, I'm just heading towards the east coast until I find what I'm looking for."

"And what's that?" I ask curiously.

"I haven't figured that out yet." He pulls over to that side of the road.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." He says as he jumps into the back of the car and lies down putting his jacket over him.

"Alright," I say as I lie my head against the window and fall asleep.