Caitlin's Trip

Starry Night, City Lights

We stayed at this club/youth hostage for a while working a couple of days at a time when we'd run out of money. Our days became rather repetitive, like we were stuck in a rut, just like back home, even though we were the greatest companions we could ask for. I woke up in the middle of the night to see Jimmy sitting on the other of the bench with a paper and pen.
"What are you writing?" I ask the quiet silhouette.
"Nothing, just rambling." He says handing me the piece of paper.

Starry nights City lights
Coming down over me
Sky scrapers and stargazers in my head
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting unknown
This dirty town was burning down in my dreams
Lost and found city bound in my dreams and SCREMING
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting and
SCREAMING Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting
Forget me nots and second thoughts
Live in isolation
Heads or tails and fairytales in my mind
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting unknown
The rage and love, the story of my life
The Jesus of suburbia is a lie & SCREAMING
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting unknown
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting unknown
Are we, we are, are we, we are the waiting unknown

"So you want to leave?" I ask supporting my weight on my elbows. He doesn't respond for a moment then nods. "Okay, let's go." I say grabbing my bag.
"Thank you" he mumbles grabbing his own bag.
"This shit was pissing me off anyway." I mutter as we make our way out in complete darkness.

This city's burning, It's not my burden, it's not over before it's too late She said I can't take this place, I'm leaving it behind . . . .

We'd been driving for a day and half when Jimmy started sweating uncontrollably. He turns the heater up yet again.
"I'm fucking freezing." He mutters.
"Jimmy, pull over, I'll drive." I say calmly.
"No, it's okay. I'm fine." He says shivering again.
"No you're not, just pull over." He doesn't say anything; he just pulls over and slides into my seat as I walk around to the driver's side.
"I just need a dose of heroine." He says as he shivers back and forth.
"I know." I say as I look for an exit with a hospital. I continue driving for another couple of hours and I find an exit into another city. I take it, Jimmy doesn't seem to notice. I finally find a hospital and stop the car.
"Where are we?" Jimmy asks looking around.
"A hospital." I say as I make my way over to his door.
"Are you sick?" he asks worriedly.
"No, you are" I say helping him out. He doesn't fight me he just let's me guide him into the waiting room. A nurse comes up to me.
"Problem?" she asks clip-board in hand.
"Heroine withdrawal." I mutter in a low voice. The nurse signals some men with a gerty.
"Where are they taking me?!" Jimmy demands, I walk briskly next to him.
"They're going to make you feel better."
"I'm fine." He says trying to convince himself more than anyone else, "I just need to sleep it off."
"Yeah, you're probably right. Sleep it off here." I say in order to get him calm down. The nurse keeps me out of his room for about half an hour. When she does let me in, Jimmy is fast asleep with an I.V. chugging into his arm. I sit in the room a while just to make sure he's okay then I go out into the waiting room to talk to the nurse.
"We don't have any money, can you still treat him?" I ask uneasily.
"Kid, you already know the answer to that." The nurse says looking over a clipboard. "But they are looking for someone to wash dishes down at the kitchens."
"Thank you." I say feeling relieved, "that's downstairs right?"
"Yes, ground floor towards the back, tell Darcy, that's the manager that Eileen sent you." She says in a friendly voice.

I make my way down to the kitchens and Darcy puts me to washing dishes right away. After about four hours of washing dishes Darcy tells me to take a break and come back in half an hour. I walk back up to Jimmy's room, he's awake this time.
"Hey." He says picking at his finger nail.
"Hey." I say sitting in the seat next to the bed.
"Where'd you go?"
"Kitchen, got a job." I say shrugging.
"To pay the hospital bill."
"You didn't have to do that." He says disapprovingly.
"You saved my life more than you know, so this is the least I can do." I say pushing a lock of hair out of his face.
"Still" he says rolling his eyes.
"Let's talk about something else." I suggest.
"Okay, did you know they won't let me smoke in here."
"Yeah, I know." I say laughing.
"That old nurse nearly beat me half to death when I tried to light up."
"It's the truly old nurses which are the most dangerous." I say warningly.
"So where do you want to go next?" he asks trying to make conversation.
"Let's go to Canada."
"Bush free." Jimmy says raising his eyebrows.
"I'm not sure which meaning of that I should take." I say laughing, it felt nice to laugh.
"Why Canada?" he asks.
"Never been. And I want to be able to say I've caused shit in two countries." I say making Jimmy laugh as well.

She brings this liberation that I just can't define.

"Where in Canada? I don't want to go to one of those igloo places." Jimmy says warningly.
"Toronto, it's a pretty decent sized city." I say shrugging.
"How's the music scene over there?"
"Pretty good I guess, I've heard a few bands from there."

From Chicago to Toronto, she's the one they call old Whatsername.

"I should get back to the kitchens." I say as I kiss Jimmy softly.
"Okay," he says not wanting to let me go.

She's a rebel, she's a Saint... and she's holding on my heart like a heart grenade.