Caitlin's Trip

Taking a Toll

One week, he's been in the hospital for one week and he's still been going insane without heroine. I walk into the hospital room to check on Jimmy and find him with a raiser to his wrist and his other wrist bleeding lightly.
"For fuck's sake Jimmy!" I yell angrily as I take the raiser blade away from him.
"Why don't you just fuck off!" he yells at me.
"I can't deal with you right now." I say storming out of the room. I run down the hall into the waiting room.
"Fuck!" I hear Jimmy yell angrily. I sit down and cry my eyes out and an elderly lady comes and sits next to me.
"What's wrong dear?" she says patting me on the shoulder.
"My friend is going through heroine withdrawal and he's not being himself." I say wiping tears out of my eyes.
"Oh, that must be tough. My Edwin is here for liver stones, third time. He used to drink too much." She says nodding to herself. "I know how hard withdrawal can be."
"Yeah, well. I have to get back to work." I say getting up and walking to the kitchens. I wash the dishes in silence as tears roll down my face.

He steals the image in her kiss, from her heart's apocalypse, from the one called Whatsername. She's all alone again, wiping the tears from her eyes, some days he feels like dying, some days it's not worth trying, now that they both are finding, she gets so sick of crying.

I decide to try once more in reasoning with Jimmy after my final shift for the day. I knock lightly on the door.
"Come in" he says as looks up, "You came back!"
"Yeah, I did."
"I'm so sorry, I don't..."
"It's okay, I know it must not be easy." I say sitting next to him.
"The nurse says I can leave tomorrow." He says looking up at me.
"That's great." I say as tears form in my eyes.
"Why are you crying?" he asks as he wipes a tear out off my face.
"I'm not crying" I say as I lean forward and hug him.

"So Toronto?" Jimmy asks sliding into the driver's seat of his car.
"Guess so." I say tossing my bag into the back seat.
"We can buy a whole bunch of maple syrup and come back to the states and sell it for double the price." He says maliciously.
"Oh yeah because maple syrup is so addictive and people will pay anything to get it."
"Indeed." He says smirking. "This Toronto thing seems like a good idea by the way."
"Really? I just came up with it to pass the time." I say laughing.
"New country, new life." He says shrugging.

St. Jimmy's coming down across the alley way, upon the boulevard like a zip gone on parade. Light of a silhouette he's insubordinate coming at you on the count of 1,2,3