Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


His eyes, with emotion cold as stone, followed his newest victim, letting the corner of his lip slowly rise. He scanned her body, lingering on certain areas, before burning a hole in the back of her head. The woman quickly turned, looking him dead in the eye. She, at first, seemed shocked, but soon a smile spread across her face.

Tonight was the night she finally got the attention she felt she was entitled too.

For too long she watched as other girls got taken away by the infamous Johnny Christ. She believed that those girls, although never returning, were being brought into a beautiful life, one that only the rich man could provide. She dreamed of the day Johnny would take notice; to see her beauty. She could be one of his ladies. She would give him all he desired with just a simple command.

His stare pulled her forward. She could not control herself. Her feet, dressed in cheap red peep-toe heels, moved on their own. Everyone else in the room completely vaporized. They no longer existed. Not even the glares of envious co-workers could be felt. Her hands slid down her hips, flattening any defect of her skirt. At the moment her hands fell down her body, Johnny licked his lips.

Her heart stopped.

"Johnny." she breathed, letting him take her hand, pulling her on top of him. She sat on his lap, taking in everything. His hazel eyes were intoxicating, and she was drunk off seeing them up close. They were beautiful. It looked at though pure gold was streaked through the brown color. That alone made her think he was incapable of harm.

But she was more wrong than you could ever be.

"Come back with me?" he asked. The question was pointless. He knew he had her wrapped around his pinkie. She would listen to his every demand. Having victims like obedient dogs became boring, but he wasn't willing to fight that night. He pulled the girl out of the club and practically dragged her into his SUV. She stumbled along behind, entranced by him.

He got on top of her as he closed the backseat door. He bent down, burying his head into her neck. The girl sighed and leaned back into the leather seat. He could feel her heart slowing; her body becoming more and more relaxed. He grinned, letting his teeth graze across her soft skin.

It was such a shame. She was so young. But it was too late. She was his.

Johnny tugged her head back with her hair. A groan escaped her lips, but she remained silent, not expecting her future.

Sighing, Johnny sunk his teeth into her neck. The girl, unknowing, let herself relax more and more. She had no idea death was around the corner, and when it came, she merely thought it was sleep. She let herself drift off as Johnny emptied her veins.

Finished, Johnny sat up, looking down at the now dead stripper. Young girls were so easy to fool.

Smiling, he jumped into the driver's seat, but not before strapping the dead body down with a seat belt. He tilted her head so it looked as though she was sleeping. He looked back at his work, wiping any excess bloody off of his face. Turning back, he started his car, knowing his next destination.

Home sweet home.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is, in fact, my new story.
I'm rather proud of it, as I'm led to believe the plot is rather original?
I dunno, I haven't come across this type of story.
Yes, vampires, demons, werewolves, that's always the deal in these crazy stories.
But me? No, I'm creative(kindanotreally).
Shinigami are way more badass, just sayin'. xD

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