Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


The night's entertainment turned out to be the club Alaina was turned in. The familiar stench of sweat, sex, and booze no longer bothered her. Her nose was more so acquired to the smell of blood that pumped through the tons of people that swayed in the club. That crimson, metallic smell, pulled her into the packed building without a push or a shove. She willingly walked in, entranced. She followed Brian in like a small puppy.

"Brian, can we actually drink tonight? I feel like polluting the stolen blood in my veins..." She asked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind, speaking right into his ear. She knew Brian smirked as he nodded. Smiling, Alaina kissed his cheek and skipped past him, meeting Jimmy at the bar. People cussed at her as she shoved by them, some falling over, but she could care less. None of these people could threaten her, and she was beginning to enjoy her power.

Jimmy smiled at her as she sat on the stool next to him. The bartender, who was a young woman with a low cut top, was busy serving people on the other end. She quickly made it over to the two once realizing who they were.

"What can I get you two?" She asked, flustered and nervous. Jimmy let his baby blue eyes meet her plain brown ones, drawing her in. Alaina almost laughed. He barely had to work to get what he wanted. The bartender was already like a puppet in his grasp.

"Order me something good, Jimbo." Alaina said, raising her eyebrow, completely amused with the situation. Jimmy smiled and nodded from beside her, releasing the young blond from her trance. She took a step back, but held her composure as Jimmy ordered. 3 straight shots of something with a deep caramel colouring was placed in front of her.

"We're known for out love of Jack, Alaina. Usually we start off the night with something slightly different, but, I thought this would be a good choice." Jimmy said, taking his first shot quickly and smoothly before wrapping his arm lazily around Alaina. He swayed to the song that was playing, yelling out the lyrics he knew. Laughing, Alaina eyed the shots in front of her, deciding to take them.

The liquid did not hurt her throat like it did when she was a human. It was like water, but the taste was still evident. She licked her lips and giggled, noticing that Jimmy was gone and chasing after a brunette. His shots were long gone, as were hers. The bartender quickly took her glasses and put a cold beer in front of her.

"Jimmy said this was for you." She said simply and walked to the other end of the bar to serve others. Alaina followed her with her eyes, watching as the bartender grinned at the drunk down the line who was trying to hit on her.

"So have you found anyone yet? Maybe a male tonight? You should challenge yourself." A very familiar voice spoke from beside her. She turned quickly, and to her disgust, Zacky sat there, sipping a bottle that matched hers. He smirked at her, seeing as his lips seemed to permanently be in that position. She noticed a difference in his hair. It wasn't down and messy, it was spiked up. She could now see his entire face.

His eyes, unfortunately, seemed brighter. Alaina mentally slapped herself, trying to stop herself from finding his eyes anything close to beautiful.

She turned away from him, not willing to speak to the monster. But Zacky wouldn't let her.

"Come on, don't be all mad at me tonight. We're here to have fun..." Zacky spoke. Alaina could feel his coming closer to her. His lips brushed against her ear, making her eyes flutter and close. "...and I can certainly help you with that. Maybe we can find someone to torture together." He said, sounding very happy with the last part. He was definitely quite the sick individual.

"I'm not hunting with the man who ripped the soul from the child in me." Alaina spat, turning to him again. Her eyes challenged his, but could not win. He was still much older and held much more power. Zacky quickly won the stare down and smiled.

The loud music took over their conversation, and Alaina wondered off, wanting to find someone else to amuse her. She saw Johnny over in a corner, chatting up some red head with a set of flashy heels. He leaned into her, whispering into her ear and making her smile. His eyes met hers. Johnny smiled with evil intentions before turning back to the woman, who seemed completely infatuated with the man in front of her.

If she only knew who he really was, and why he wanted to sweep her off her feet.

Alaina turned towards the dance floor, seeing Jimmy with the same girl he was chasing after before. The girl was captivated by his eyes, and he smiled down at her almost lovingly, but Alaina knew it was all an act. The girl's arms were placed around Jimmy's neck, well as much as she could. He was a tall guy. Alaina watched as Jimmy leaned down, catching the girls lips with his own, immediately getting a response. Jimmy smirked into the kiss, knowing she was all his for the night; the rest of her life.

Taking Zacky's advice, Alaina decided to challenge herself. Just to spite him, she chose a victim with similar features to his own. She looked around for a man with green eyes, and black hair. Her eyes darkened and the corner of her lip rose at the sight of the perfect victim.

The man that grasped her attention had longer hair than Zacky's, reaching his shoulders. He was walking through the crowd of dancers, over to the bar. Even from the distance between them, Alaina could see that he had green eyes, a little darker than Zacky's, but he would do.

"Hello..." Alaina said, knowing that the man would get chills from her breathy voice running across his ear. The man turned slowly, taking in the girl in front of him. He smiled, his eyes filled with lust. He was definitely perfect. "It seems my car died... would a man such as yourself know how to help me?" Alaina finished, running her hand down his muscular arm. Immediately, she felt a set of eyes burning into her head. She turned momentarily to see that Johnny was glaring at her.

She dismissed his behaviour quickly though, focusing on the man. He nodded eagerly, taking her by the hand and leading her out of the club. Her eyes met Johnny's once again, who was now looking at her with interest.

Her victim turned left as they exited the club, going around into an alley way instead of the parking lot. 'Perfect...' Alaina thought. 'More reason to kill the idiot.' The man shoved her against the brick wall and took a step back and eyed the girl in front of him. Her body was slender and perfect, her eyes bright and blue. She even had some green swirled in there, with yellow flecks surrounding her pupils. They were very beautiful, and the man could resist her.

But all he had on his mind was to fuck and leave her.

Alaina had different plans.

"You're a gorgeous girl. Too bad I'm going to have to do this." The man said, pushing her against the brick wall. Alaina pretended to fight weakly, letting the man over power her for just a few minutes until she was ready to take him by surprise. Her victim slipped his hand into her shirt and started attacking her neck like an animal. Too bad he was nothing compared to her.

After a few minutes of fake begging and all the weak crap, Alaina had had enough and shoved the man backwards into the wall behind him. He coughed as some of his ribs broke on impact. Alaina smiled at him innocently, swaying her hips as she walked up to him. She pushed herself against him as much as her iron body would allow, grinning larger with every crack she heard. The man could not speak, as one of his ribs probably punctured his lung. She let her hand run down his cheek, down to his neck.

"You're a gorgeous man. Too bad I'm going to have to do this." His eyes widened as Alaina leaned back a little and let her head move down to his neck, holding his shoulders in place. Her teeth ripped through his flesh easily, and quickly blood filled her mouth. She moaned at the taste, pulling back and looking to the sky. The man tried to scream, but all that came out of his was airy gasps. He choked.

"Be grateful you died in my hands. It's an honour." She spoke in his ear one last time, before sinking herself in his neck again. The man's heart slowly pounded and stopped beneath her. She grinned as he slipped from her grasp and fell to the dark and damp ground with a thump.

She heard clapping. Zacky stood behind her, watching the performance with glee. The rest of the guys were wiping their mouths with the backs of their hands, their eyes mainly red. She could only assume her eyes matched theirs.

"Lets go." Johnny said firmly, before turning around and quickly entering the vehicle they'd brought along. Jimmy watched Johnny leave curiously, wondering what had changed his mood so quickly. Matt followed behind, uncaring to the situation. Zacky stood by for a couple more seconds, following Alaina when she decided to go to the car.

Once Jimmy hopped in the back seat, the car flew forward, all the men in the vehicle leaning back and smiling. They were all satisfied, except for the most powerful of them all.
♠ ♠ ♠
39 subscribers... 17 comments.
Guys, seriously, comment. -____-
It keeps me inspired, and I think I deserve a reward since I've been updating this a lot lately...
And this is a rather long chapter for me. D:
But thank you to my one commenter. :]