Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


"And what has you all cheery today?" Jimmy asked as Alaina practically skipped into the "kitchen". It was a rather useless room. The cupboards and pantry were empty, and the fridge only contained alcohol. Immortals didn't need to live off anything but the life of others. When Jimmy discovered the new, and more violent way to kill humans, he also discovered that feeding much more often was necessary for survival. It didn't give you the same amount of power as the other option, which didn't involve blood.

But the demons grew addicted to the blood of humans. It was much like some sort of metallic satin that flowed freely down their throats. It was soothing as well. Much like a drug addiction, the high of a blood fill did not last long, and no food could satisfy their hunger.

And that was why the kitchen was empty.

Alaina had figured that out long ago.

"It's the blood high, isn't it?" Jimmy smiled, rather proud. If not for him and his twisted mind, they would have never known about the beauty in draining the blood of the living. They would hunt once every couple decades, just to simply pull out the life of the human, taking their years. But what fun would it be to kill like he wished to, gain too many years, and never die?

Which is why blood draining was Jimmy's favorite past time.

"It's lovely, isn't it?" He questioned again, knowing the answer to the previous question when Alaina's smile grew larger.

"It is actually." She stated simply, looking towards the ground in a bashful manner. Her body felt like it was weightless. The energy that pulsed through her flesh made her feel like she needed to run a marathon, but with her power, she would be done it in seconds. She felt like the most powerful and seductive female on the earth.

'Where has your humanity gone?! You're killing human beings!' She frowned at her thoughts, but quickly let them sweep away.

'You can't get rid or me Alaina. You need me to remind you of who you are. You're better than these monsters!' Alaina's eyebrows furrowed.

"And how do you expect me to survive then!?" She yelled out, unaware of the fact she was yelling at her self. Once she realized, she looked at Jimmy, who was staring at her with a smile.

"Don't worry. The conscience will soon fade." And with that he walked away. One of her eyebrows rose, but her lips remained shut. There was no point in questioning someone like him. He always seemed to speak in such ways that would confuse someone, but if you figured out his riddle-like speech, everything was extremely clear.

Alaina somewhat understood what Jimmy meant, but did not feel like processing it or thinking about it. She simply shrugged off the words and casually strutted around the large home, not bumping into a single person. The house really was that large, and very unnecessary.

When she approached Brian's room, it wasn't a shock to hear screaming. What did shock her, was that it wasn't some victim screaming for their lives. The two loud voices she'd recognized as Brian and Zacky, the man she seemed to lust for and the man that ruined her life. Curious, she placed her ear against the thick door. Focusing all she could on listening, she zoned into what they were arguing about.

"Zack, can you stop being such a sick and twisted fuck for just a single second! Alaina is listening!" Brian shouted. She heard nothing else before or after that. Quicker then her young mind could comprehend, the door was thrown open and she was tossed carelessly on the ground. Alaina bared her teeth at Zacky, her eyes darkening with anger. But he did nothing but smile and shrug.

'Oh how I wish I could kill you.'

"Why were you eavesdropping?" Brian asked when she gave up on glaring at Zacky. Alaina shyly looked from the ground to him, trying to look innocent.

"Well, I was worried. At first I thought you were just torturing someone and wanted to see what was so exciting... but when I heard Zacky's voice, I grew concerned. What were you talking about?" She explained, half lying. She had an idea they were talking about her, and wanted to know why. Zacky stepped into her vision, and knelt in front of her. She hadn't gotten off the floor yet.

"That's complete and total bullshit, beautiful, and you must know that." He said in a very calm voice, but Alaina could hear the evil tone behind his innocent words. Zacky grabbed her face with one of his hands, holding her tight. This was how he decided to pull her off the ground. Alaina struggled and ripped at his arms, trying to break free. It wasn't that she couldn't breath as she was dangling off the ground, she didn't need oxygen. It was just uncomfortable and demeaning.

"Put her down Zacky." Brian demanded, and she was released. Her body fell to the ground with a series of quick thumps, but she just as quickly got to her feet. She took a defensive stance, eyeing Zacky. "And stop fucking messing with her. She could really help us. Besides, we're all men. A woman's perspective wouldn't be that horrible. And you were the one who turned her." Brian continued, walking up behind his friend. Alaina watched as Brian put a hand on Zacky's shoulder.

"Yeah, I suppose." Zacky remained quiet after that. Giving Alaina one last smile, he left Brian's room, slamming the door behind him.

"He's not too pleased to have me around, is he?" Alaina asked, removing her eyes from the door. Swaying her hips, she walked up to Brian. When she got close enough, her hands found their way to his chest. Instead of welcoming the gesture, Brian frowned and pushed her hands away. Alaina gave him a questioning look, her mouth slightly opening.

"You're causing a lot of confusion in this house hold. Just go for now. Why don't you bond with Matt or something?" Brian said, pushing her lightly towards the door. The young demon in front of him was too tempting, and he'd learned that he couldn't take any chances.

Letting out a gush of unused air, Alaina stomped out of the room, grabbing a forgotten wine glass of blood along the way. Brian wouldn't be needing it as much as she felt she did. She downed the substance in a few seconds and threw the empty glass across the hall and into his room. The shards sprayed and landed all around Brian. Alaina's eyes met his as she wiped the excess blood from her mouth; her eyes were wild. She smirked, one much like theirs, and left Brian's eyesight.

She was slowly becoming the perfect monster, and the perfect brat for Johnny.

As long as she was on a blood high, that was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alaina's getting a littlle crazy. xD

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