Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Staring at herself in the mirror, Alaina sighed. She was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Her fingertips traced over her ribs. They were only covered by a thin layer of skin, making them very obvious to the world. Her fingers were just as thin, along with every other aspect of her physical body. She was an absolute, disgusting, scrawny mess.

But she wasn't anorexic.

She wasn't bulimic.

She had no idea what was wrong with her.

Biting her lip, she urged herself to move away from the mirror. She wanted to stop reminding herself how she could barely fit into the smallest sizes of clothing available. She wanted to forget the looks of pity people would send her while she would walked down the street, clutching her arms around her waist. Alaina would stare at the ground, ignoring the whispers and the stares, wishing she could change.

She had no idea that she was dying; that she was turning into something inhuman, or she should have been.

She couldn't remember one particular night, only a pair of jade eyes.

"Do you need some help?" An employee of the store she had been walking around stood in front of her, a worried look on her face. Alaina shook her head, biting down on her teeth. A metallic smell mixed with a beautiful scent of lavender swirled around her, urging Alaina to sink her teeth into the woman, or at least suck the life out of the innocent woman.

Alaina placed her hand on the woman's shoulder as she turned to leave, feeling satisfied as life seeped back into her. The woman questioned her, but Alaina couldn't hear her. The corners of her lips lifted into a smile. A mist was being pulled out from under the woman's skin, heading directly into Alaina's.

"W-what are you doing?" The woman said, teetering on the spot. Alaina quickly pulled away when she realized what she had been doing and moved backwards. The woman gave her a questioning, yet fearful look. Alaina mumbled a "sorry" before dashing out of the store as quick as her feet could move her.

Pulling her black hood over her head, she made her way toward her apartment. Her stomach growled at her, urging her to eat.

As soon as she burst through her apartment door, she opened a bag of chips, shoving a handful in her mouth. After a few handfuls, she hoped she would feel more alive, but she still felt dead.

Tears fell down her cheeks.

"What's wrong with you!" She screamed at herself, throwing the empty bag across the room. Pulling herself into a ball, she cried, ignoring how uncomfortable her knees felt against her face.

Through her tears, she noticed a newspaper add in front of her.

"Modeling... Maybe I could use this curse to my advantage."

Johnny leaned back into his chair, completely satisfied.

"Matt and I wanted to go out tonight. We'll be back before dawn." Zacky spoke, walking quickly past the room Johnny was lounging in. He didn't see Johnny nod, but he knew that it wouldn't matter. Johnny was the leader, but they all ran their own lives. They were highest in the food chain, even in their own species. No one was a threat, not even each other.

Because they didn't care if they lived, or if they died. They only liked the feeling of the kill, not the life that it gave them. Maybe at first, the idea of living forever was amazing, but after hundreds of years, that no longer mattered.

But they did need to stay alive, to control the rest of the life suckers that were below them.

And what demon would complain about taking life for a living? Being at the top of the food chain was awesome, and a complete ego boost.

Zacky walked into his bathroom, running his hands through his hair. He knew he was attractive. That his brilliant green eyes would make any woman, or possibly man, fall to their knees. He knew that his smile was charming, and his voice was seductive. All humans were his puppets. He could, and would, make them do as he pleased.

"Oh and Zacky, can you go to our club tonight? I arranged for there to be a model try out today, and I don't feel like going. Go drain some lives for me, will you?" Johnny asked politely.

"Yea, sure."

"And take Jimmy with you. He hasn't gone hunting in a long time. I'm worried he's trying to kill himself. You know how he wishes to eventually die... why I don't understand." Johnny rolled his eyes and sighed. He enjoyed immortality. He enjoyed scaring humans, right before he took their lives. He loved being powerful. He loved being a unique species of demon. He loved it all.

"Yea Johnny. If I can get him to come I will." Zacky sighed and rolled his eyes. He hated Johnny's over politeness, when he and all the other people in the house knew that it was false. Johnny was anything but a friendly, polite person.

Walking into the living room, Matt and Jimmy were sitting in front of the TV, staring blankly at the screen.

"We're going out. Come on." Zacky said to the two, slipping on a leather jacket. After placing a pair of dark sunglasses over his jade eyes, all three men left, only two with smiles on their faces.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not used to writing in anything but first person, simply because I dislike using pronouns a couple times in a sentence. Any tips you can give me to eliminate this, or make my sentences flow better?
This is short, but I had to done, and I wanted to update this for you guys.
I already have 20 suscribers, and I only had one chapter up!

Comment! <3