Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Alaina walked through the doors of the club, gazing around to get a feel of the place. It was definitely somewhere she wouldn't like to be in. It was dark, with only random flashes of light leading her way. From what she could see, all the women in the room were half naked and squirming on top of some strange man with a wicked smirk. It smelt like smoke and sweat, with an underlying smell of pot. She pinched her nose while pushing through groups of people, trying to find her way to the audition.

She knew from the moment she stood in that club that it was a bad idea to go further, but something urged her forward. Her thirst.

As Alaina made her way towards a brightly lit door, she felt her energy weakening. Her eyes fluttered and her legs began to feel wobbly. She practically had to force oxygen inside of her, not feeling the kick from her brain telling her to breathe. The only thing on her mind was to keep her eyes open. She needed to find that audition.

She stumbled through the door way, looking up quickly to see three men and many women surrounding the room. She clutched the door frame and used what little strength she had to push herself up.

In the process of standing, her eye caught something she thought was just part of a dream. A flash of jade made her stop dead.

Zacky looked at her curiously, wondering if he knew the frail girl. When his eyes met hers, she froze, recognition over taking her expression. It was then a flash of memory ran past him. The corner of his lip rose slowly, remembering every vivid detail.

The last he had saw her, she was face down in her bed, bleeding out of many parts of her body. He quickly dressed himself and left without a second thought, without considering that she could possibly live through his attack.

But there she was, standing before him like a deer caught in headlights.

The chatter in the room died down once everyone began to notice what was going on. Matt and Jimmy glanced between the two, amused and curious. Once it was completely quiet, Zacky stood. To him, he walked at a normal pace towards the girl, but when he saw her shocked expression, he realized he'd moved too quickly. He looked like only a blur to her, a blur that took only a second to go from one side of the room to the other.

"Sorry if I alarmed you my love." He spoke gently, trying to charm her into trusting him. She stared blankly at him, but let him help pick her up. This time, watching his speed, Zacky carried the girl over to the couch across the room, shooing away all of the whores that sat on it. They scattered like a bunch of flies, but quickly returned. They all placed themselves around him and the young woman, hoping to get something out of him. Money, sex, or a place better than the streets they lived on was all they could wish for.

But he wasn't willing to make dreams come true.

Glaring at each of them, they finally took the hint and moved backwards, taking place around Matt and Jimmy.

Zacky returned his attention to the girl in his lap. Her eyes were closed and her face was pale. If he had infected her accidentally, she was going to die without feeding. He brushed some hair away from her face. Would Johnny be pissed if he completed her turning?

She coughed, reminding him that there was little time left.

"You," He pointed at random. A girl with red hair smiled, clearly excited that she'd been chosen. "...stay here. Everyone else besides Matt and Jimmy, get the hell out." Hearing the tone of his voice, the other whores quickly left the room, not wishing to anger the powerful man. Lifting his finger, he urged the red head forward, patting the couch beside him. She sat facing him, still with a bright smile on her face.

He smiled and than took a fist full of her hair. She screamed, but was cut short when he threw her into the wall behind them. Knocked out, she was helpless, and that was what Zacky wanted. He slipped out from under the weak girl and propped her head up with a pillow. Grabbing the red head once again, by her hair, he pulled her onto the couch and rolled her head to the side. Using his own teeth, he bit into her wrist, letting her blood seep slowly out of the wounds.

Matt tossed him a cup, knowing it would be much easier to feed the girl that way than with the dripping wrist itself. It filled quickly, and soon Zacky was pouring the blood into the girls mouth. She coughed again, but swallowed the blood. Her eyes opened quickly. She looked disgusted, but her expression soon changed to pain.

Her teeth clenched tightly. Her hands moved quickly to her hair, pulling at the roots.

"The pain is very short. Only a few more moments." Zacky calmed her, pulling her hands away from her hair and replacing it with his own. He left his fingers rake through her soft hair for a few more moments, easing the pain away. Her jaw started to relax.

"See, I told you." Zacky smiled as she turned and looked at him. She blinked a few times, looking extremely confused. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What did you do to me?" She spoke up, sounding a lot more powerful that she usually did. Alaina's finger tips brushed her neck, not knowing why she sounded different. She even felt different. She felt like a piece of metal; like she could not be broken.

"I completed what I had apparently started." Zacky began, letting his hand fall to his side. He took a seat on the ground in front of her and smiled. "I didn't expect you to live through it."

Before she could question him, he grabbed her hand harshly, shoving all of his memory at her in a few seconds.

She screamed as all the pain came flying back at her. She could see herself struggling under Zacky's grasp, screaming even louder as she felt his teeth pierce her skin. He bit her everywhere. Her legs, her stomach, chest, arms, and neck. He thought that he'd drained her completely. She felt a burning pain as the memory continued.

Zacky, groaning and smiling wickedly as he moved in and out of her, becoming even more aroused when she screamed even louder. To him, she was only wasting her last moments of life.

She snapped back to the present as Zacky pulled his hand away from her, smiling the same wicked smile that she had seen in the memory.

"How fucking dare you!" Alaina jumped on him, throwing her fists at his face with every ounce of the new strength she had. Zacky struggled for a moment, not expecting the force that she had become, but over came it. He flipped her onto her back, using his weight to keep her down. His hands quickly captured hers, holding her in place. Alaina glared at him, struggling a little more before deciding it was pointless. He was much stronger than her.

Zacky smirked and lowered his mouth to her ear. "I wasn't expecting that much strength to develop that quickly, but you must remember," He got off her and stood above her. "I'll always be your superior."

"Fuck you."

"Whatever, get up." Zacky ordered, grabbing her hand without a response. He pulled her off the ground quickly and headed towards the door, Alaina in tow. Not that she had a choice.

"Matt, Jimmy, grab some random girls and head to the car. I need to tell Johnny about the new addition to the group." Alaina vaguely saw the other men nod before she was being pulled through the packed club once again. She could see the other men following them, grabbing random girls. Each of the ones they approached didn't fight, they simply nodded and followed.

Alaina was pushed into the SUV with 5 other scantily dressed females. The tallest of the men sat in the back with them, quickly wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She glared at him for a few moments, but only got a kind glance in return.

She quickly decided that he was the man to be-friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this is a decent update.
Thank you guys for commenting! It puts a smile on my face. :D

But I would love some more, of course. Maybe suggest what you'd like to happen?