Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Alaina, for once not being observant, failed to watch where they were headed in order to find her way back when she escaped their grasp. When they exited the vehicle, she stood in front of a Victorian styled home, that was a tad bigger than average.

"Where are we?" She asked quietly, staring at the front door. She was waiting for something to pop out at her. Matt shoved her to the side as he walked towards the door. Some one began pushing her back lightly, encouraging her forward. She hesitantly looked backwards, seeing Zacky's green eyes for a second before looking back towards the door cautiously.

"Your new home." Zacky spoke into her ear, sending cold waves through her body. Alaina's eyes opened wide as Matt opened the door and Zacky shoved her through it. She had barely even noticed they had moved forward.

The first thing Alaina noticed was the short man that stood in front of her, staring her down with a smirk on his face. His height wouldn't intimidate anyone, but his eyes certainly could. They were dark, but so unique in color that it would draw you in. Throw in his smirk, and he could control anyone, regardless of their physical power.

Alaina took a step backwards into Zacky as the man took a step towards her. Zacky chuckled and pushed her forwards. She turned and glared at him, becoming very sick of this shoving game quite quickly. Zacky only shrugged, not seeming to care much about her grief.

"My name is Johnny, and now that you're here, you're to do what I wish? Is that clear?" Alaina's nose wrinkled. She looked at him as if he was mad. Who does he think he is? He was only about an inch taller than her, but as she gazed up to his eyes once more, she lost control of herself. She immediately lost her pride.

"Y-yes." She stuttered, trying to stop the words from escaping her lips. She furrowed her brows, not understanding where the obedience came from. She was in no way intending on obeying whomever this was.

Her only focus was on keeping calm, ignoring the freaky people, and getting the hell out of the beautiful looking hell hole she'd be pushed into.

Johnny walked up to her, seeming to slither like a snake. His footsteps made minimal sound, like a predator. She gawked at him when he finally reached her, his face only mere inches from her own. Her eyes widened, showing off the gem like blue they possessed. Johnny stared into them for moments that seemed like much longer, causing Alaina to feel rather uncomfortable.

Behind her someone shuffled, and Johnny moved away, looking behind her. She turned slightly, seeing the other women that were brought in the large vehicle were standing at the open door. Drunken smiles were drawn on their faces, stretched ear to ear. Their teeth did not sparkle, but were strained yellow. Alaina turned back around to find Johnny eying each one of them hungrily. But the lust in his eyes was one that she'd never seen before.

"Zacky, would you please escort these lovely ladies into our party room?" Johnny asked politely, smirking evilly at Zacky. Zacky moved forward from beside me, the same type of smirk on his face, and waved the girls along. They giggled to themselves, casually glaring at each other in competition.

"Don't worry, they won't be around too long. Jimmy's hungry tonight, and when he lets go he can be rather... vicious." A new voice entered the room. Alaina looked around, but she found that a new man was standing beside her. She jumped, shocked, and placed her hand on her chest.

"And who the hell are you?" She asked, staring up at the huge man. He smiled down at her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Compared to all of these new people, his eyes were the ones that trapped her. They were such a rich, deep brown, they seemed like bottomless pits, and she was surely being pulled in. They complimented his dark hair and masculine features quite well, but she couldn't focus on those much before being sucked back into the black hole that was his eyes.

"Brian." He spoke, his voice just as rich and deep as his eyes. Alaina, dazed, opened her mouth a few times, trying to figure out something to say, but came up with nothing. She didn't realize it, but her hand was lifting, moving up along Brian's back and stopped when it rested itself on the back of his neck. Brian smiled.

Alaina moved closer, almost pushing herself on the tips of her toes, feeling an irresistible urge to kiss him.

"Brian! Fuck off!" Johnny yelled, shoving Brian away. The trance he had on her immediately vanished, and she almost snarled.

"What the fuck!" She yelled, louder than she thought she ever could. Brian only shrugged and smirked, just like the rest of the men. His charm had vanished as well. "What was that? What did you do to me?! What the hell is wrong with your eyes?!" Alaina took large strides up to the smirking man, shoving him backwards.

"Don't you dare fucking try that shit again, I don't a shit how-" Brian cut her off, covering her mouth with his hand, placing his other on the back of her head so she couldn't squirm out of his vice like grip.

"You got a mouthy one, didn't you?" Brian chuckled, glancing back at Alaina's dagger like eyes. She tried to bite his hand, but he didn't seem to even feel it. She was left with only a taste of salt in her mouth, and she wasn't quite pleased with this.

"It wasn't me. Zacky decided to finish the change." Johnny answered, shrugging and leaving the room. Brian let go once Johnny left and tossed Alaina backwards as he did so. She continued to glare.

"Oh sweetheart, you're going to have to get used to me. You are living in my house now."

"Not for long."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because I'm already fucking sick of you, and it's encouraging me more and more to get the fuck out of here."

"Shut up, you know you wanted to kiss me. You loved my masculine features and deep brown eyes. That was how you described them, correct?"

Alaina pinched her nose and closed her eyes, annoyed. "You can't read minds too can you?" Brian shook his head.

"No, that's just what all the women of about 600 years plus have told me. I just assumed, since you really seemed to want to kiss me. Pity Johnny ruined it." Brian's words didn't seem to piss off Alaina. She was too caught up with wrapping her head around the number Brian spoke.

"Did you just say 600 plus years?"

"I did."

"You all are fucking crazy." She answered after a brief pause, and walked towards the still open door. Apparently they were not concerned with burglary.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't think so." Brian said, getting in front of her surprisingly fast. She let the shock fade quickly before being replaced by annoyance.

"Brian, get out of my way. With all your magical powers, if you want me back, you'll be able to find me."

"But that involves more work."

"Figures you'd be a lazy fucking psycho."

"Hey, no name calling." Brian smiled, jokingly, and lightly grasped her upper arm. "Now let's go enjoy the feast shall we?" He asked, and she looked at him once again with a confused, annoyed look.


"You'll see."
♠ ♠ ♠
Srsly, slap me in the fucking face.
I haven't updated in years it seems.
I've just been distracted with slightly enjoying my life. xD And well, school work. (Y)

But yea, now that I've probably lost most of my suscribers, I post this update.

I'm not promising updates all the time again or whatever, but I'll try getting one up when I can.

Thank you guys for being paitent and reading!