Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Brian pushed Alaina through a wooden door and down a set of stairs. They were concrete, and the only sound Alaina could hear was the light tapping of her steps. Brian followed behind her, just as quietly, with a hand resting lightly on her back. She turned her head slightly, looking at Brian for an explanation for the silence, but he stared back at her blankly. She continued down the stairs, looking around the corner.

In front of her was another door, this one looking heavy, with a numbered lock. Brian moved in front of her, hitting a few numbers. The heavy door opened slowly by itself, letting out a ear piercing scream.

Alaina covered her ears as the door opened completely. The screams were louder, and it wasn't the door making the sound. on the wall opposite to her was one of the girls they'd brought back with her. Her clothes, or what clothes she did have, were torn and bloody. She had deep gashes along her legs and a few smaller cuts on her face. The look on the girls face was of pure panic.

Alaina backed up in horror, and tried to run back up the stairs, but Brian grabbed her wrist before she laid a foot on the staircase.

"Come on."

"Are you crazy?! You're going to kill me!"

"Why the hell would we kill you? Now come on."

Alaina, without much choice, walked into the loud room. 4 men were standing in various places in this room. All along the concrete walls were chains. Each of the girls was attached to a chain, and were obviously unable to move.

"Help us, please!" One of the girls to the left of Alaina called out. She looked over to see a brunette, a blood of blood surrounding her body. The tallest of the men casually walked over to her, an animalistic look gracing his features. She'd recognized this man to be the one she thought was the friendliest. Apparently, she was wrong.

Without words, he grabbed her by her throat, causing her to scream momentarily, before her breathing was cut by his tight grip. He lifted her in the air, by only her neck and pulled her toward him. Alaina watched curiously, but wondered in the back of her head why she wasn't trying to help the girl.

The tall man pulled the girls neck to his mouth and bit viciously. Alaina felt a tad queasy as the girl was tossed the the ground, dead, with a large chunk of her neck removed and bleeding. The feeling that was overwhelming her the most was the look in the girls eyes as she slowly died. Alaina could almost see her soul leaving her body, miserably. This made her smile.

"So, that was enjoyable wasn't it?" Zacky turned to her, grinning. Alaina frowned and turned her head.

"No, that was repulsive."

"Is that all you have to say? You do know that any regular human being would be balling their eyes out right now, probably curled up into a ball in fear."

"Well, maybe I'm special." Alaina crossed her arms childishly. In truth, she had no idea what was happening to her. Why hadn't she reacted appropriately to that death, she didn't know. The random cries from the other girls had stopped bothering her, and only annoyed her. It made her want to kill them.

"Someone's going to have to tell her." The tall man spoke up, looking at her with innocent blue eyes. She had no idea of what to think about him. He was confusing.

"You're immortal. You kill people to sustain life. That's what you are now, live with it." Johnny spoke quickly and without much emotion. He looked at her quickly, annoyed, and turned back to intimidating the blonde he'd picked out.

Alaina opened her mouth to deny that statement. Immortals were not real. They were part of fairy tales; myths. These men were just simply crazy and had drugged her.

But she couldn't open her mouth and deny it. She couldn't tell them that they were crazy, or mad. She couldn't deny that she was like them. She couldn't deny that she had the urge to kill one of these women. She stayed silent, watching the brunette she'd originally seen as the door opened.

"You can have her if you want. I kind of did but, ladies go first." Brian spoke. Alaina turned to look at him, unsure. He only winked. She rolled her eyes.

She took a step forward, and the brunette twitched. The second Alaina grew closer, the more the girl cried and pleaded. This enticed Alaina, but she wouldn't admit it. When she stood in front of the girl like an emotionless zombie, the girl screamed loudly.

Alaina just wanted to shut her up.

Her vision went black, and when she could see again, the girl was covered in blood. Scratch marks covered her face and chest, and there were deep bite marks along her shoulders. The girl was blue from blood loss, and dead.

Alaina stumbled backwards, gasping at the horrific sight. The dead girls mouth was stuck open in a scream, and her eyes were wide open, staring at Alaina. She reached up to cover her mouth, but only felt wetness. She could only assume what it was that was dipped off her chin and hitting the ground in teardrops.

Again, Alaina ran into a body, and guess it was Brian from his immediate grabbing of her. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly, and she could feel his smirk.

"You are a vicious one aren't you?"

Johnny snorted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, it's summer now and I have nothing to do, so I decided now would be an appropriate time to get back into writing.
Sorry if it's short. When I do write I for some reason always get to a certain point where I think the chapter is over, and it's always the same amount, never longer. -_____-