Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Besides blood, whores were their passion.

Women were everywhere, all basically naked, with only thongs and skimpy bras to cover themselves. If they weren't dancing up on the small stage (if what they did was really considered dancing), they were prowling the bar of the club. The goal? To bring a man back to a room and give them a lap dance for even more money. Alaina didn't understand it. They obviously made enough money from what was thrown at them for taking off their lack of clothes, and it was 6 bucks for a single shot of alcohol.

She never understood this scene.

Brian sat beside her, a large smirk amongst his face. He eyed the woman on stage with blood lust. She was sure there was sexual lust in there as well, but the blood lust became the more prominent. Alaina sat on a stool in front of a small round table, tapping her nails on the wood. She stared, unamused, at the stripper, not admiring, but insulting the woman on any flaw she could see. If she looked close enough, Alaina swore she could see little puncture wounds all along the woman's wrist. Not from fangs, from needles.

"Want a drink?" Alaina snapped out of her blank stare to look over at Brian. He was standing, on his way to the bar.

"Demons can't get drunk. What's the point?" Alaina questioned.

"So you figured out what you've become; what we are?" Brian smiled at her and leaned on the table, putting his face rather close to hers. She could smell the faint smell of the bar, but it was over come by the scent of blood on his breathe, and the cologne he wore. The stench of smoke, to her dismay, did not leave. "And we can. We still have blood that can be tainted by alcohol."

"Yes, I figured that out hours ago." She rolled her eyes as he moved closer. His cocky smile only grew larger, along with his ego. Noticing how close he was, Alaina moved backwards and swatted at him.

"A shot of tequila, along with JD and coke." She spoke, shocking Brian. She shrugged and swatted him away again. Brian stood up and left, but not without pushing her hair out of her face in the most flirtatious way. Alaina cringed.

He returned quickly and placed her drinks in front of her, along with a salt shaker and a chunk of lemon. She thanked him quietly before downing her shot.

"You're not as big of a prissy chick that I thought you were, huh?" Alaina gave Brian a questioning look before continuing to gulp down her next drink. "And if you don't stop chugging, you're going to puke everywhere. That may effect how attractive I think you are."

"'Cause I fucking care how you think of me? Fuck you Brian." The booze was already effecting her. Even as a human, she was a lightweight. She stumbled away with her JD and coke, flipping off Brian in the process. 'You're loosing your humanity,' she thought, 'You're loosing all that you were.'

She ignored her thoughts and continued to walk around. A new woman was on stage, who winked at her as she passed. Alaina quickly moved passed the stage. She was on the look out for Jimmy, knowing that he'd be the only thing to amuse her at the moment. Since the moment she met him, she had the idea he'd be the one to befriend. She had recently discovered his name in the car ride there.

She spotted him, along with Johnny. They were sitting at a table where a woman was dancing for them, shoving her boobs in their faces as much as possible. I ignored her and sat beside Jimmy, taking a swig of his beer. Her JD and coke was now finished.

"Alaina!" Jimmy shouted, grabbing her. She coughed on the beer. "Where the fuck have you been?! Look at this chick!" Jimmy pointed at the girl. The girl looked over at him and got down on her knees. She crawled towards him, and up into his face. Jimmy smiled and looked anywhere but her eyes. Alaina groaned.

Jimmy stood up and literally hopped over Alaina, grabbing the stripper by her hand. "I'll be back soon. He said quickly, and winked. At first, watching Jimmy pull the giggling stripper away didn't phase her, until she remembered who was left at the table. She gazed over at Johnny, and immediately stood.

"Where are you going?" Johnny asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her back into her seat, even closer to him.

"I was going to look for Zacky and Matt." She almost snarled. It was bothering her every moment she spent near Johnny, having to endure his presence alone was painful. "So excuse me." She got up again, but found herself sitting before she took a step.

"No no. You're going with me to find food." Johnny smiled, but it was anything but kind. For a moment, Alaina questioned what "food" was, until it hit her.

"I don't want to kill people in general. Who says I want to kill one of these hookers?"

"Me, not get up and do not go far from me." Johnny demanded. She could feel the authority of his words. As much as she wished to defy him, she knew she just couldn't. Johnny pulled her out of her seat when she didn't move immediately, and began his hunt. They walked around the club for a few minutes before Johnny found his perfect meal. A tall redhead looked his way and blushed. He smiled at her, luring her in with his demonic charm. She stood and made her way over to them.

Johnny walked towards her and whispered in her ear. Alaina struggled to hear what he was saying, but couldn't hear a thing. The girl eagerly nodded and looked Alaina up and down. Not understanding a thing, Alaina gave the girl a confused and slightly disgusted look, but it was cut short. Johnny pulled her and the red head out of the club and into the SUV they brought.

Alaina and the girl were pulled in after him, and as soon as the door was closed, the red head jumped on Alaina. At first, Alaina had no idea what to do with the girl kissing her, but quickly shoved her away.

"Johnny what the hell did you tell her!?" She shouted. The red head's eyes opened widely. "And what the hell are you looking at?!?"

"Your eyes are red, and I told her we were going to enjoy a three some tonight."

"You're a sick bastard." Alaina went to leave, but once again, she was pulled back in place.

"What's going on?" The red head spoke. Confusion was obvious on her face. Johnny leaned in behind her and brushed her hair away from her neck. The girl moaned at his touch and leaned into him. Johnny grinned, taking complete advantage over the girls weakness. His teeth sank into her neck, drawing blood. The red head shrieked, but Johnny put his hand over her mouth.

"Be quiet, or this will be a lot more painful." He spoke into her ear as tears brimmed on her eyelashes. She nodded quickly and closed her eyes tightly. Her tears began falling. Alaina sat back, not willing to be involved in any of this. It still sickened her, although she had done it herself.

But the scent of the girls blood, the atmosphere of fear in the air, it drove Alaina mad inside. Her instincts told her to jump on the girl and suck the life out of her, but the human left within her told her to run and to be repulsed.

"Come on Alaina. You want it." Johnny taunted her, shoving the girl at her. The girl threw her arms around Alaina, trying to get to the lock of the door, but she couldn't open the door.

"Help me, please!" The red head pleaded with Alaina, crying into her shoulder. She looked down at the girl, confused. She wanted nothing to do with the girl.

"She's going to suffer Alaina, especially if I take her. Just end her life ." Johnny continued. She looked at him. His eyes encouraged her. Her hands slowly ran up the girls spine, her instincts slowly taking over her. She looked up again at Johnny. His eyes were now black.

A whiff of the girls blood finally drove Alaina over the edge. She grabbed the girl tightly around the neck to prevent her from screaming, and kept her in place. The girls face was filled with pain, but Alaina could care less. She sank her pointed teeth into the girls shoulder, drawing more blood to spill around the vehicle than to drink it. It was the thrill of the kill, not necessarily the blood that she liked.

That was the only difference between demons and vampires it seemed. Demons take the years of the victims into themselves as the victim dies, a vampire only takes blood. Demons drink the blood for fun, while vampires need it to sustain life.

When the girl became numb in Alaina's hands, she didn't even understand how she created the scene she had. There was blood all over her and the red head, and bite marks everywhere. The red head was covered in scratches, bruises and bites.

"I think I lied about the suffering." Johnny laughed. Alaina sat there, the victim still in her hands, absolutely horrified with herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a longer one I suppose. Sorry I fail at updating. Los of comments would be nice, to show I still have readers even when I suck at updating.

And I've noticed that for a couple months I don't get notifications for the stories I've subscribed to, although I know the stories had been updated.. Anyone have that too?

Thanks for having paitence with me. xD