Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


After that night, Alaina spoke to no one for a long period of time. She spent most of her days in a room they had assigned to her. She didn't even really take in the appearance of the room. Alaina lay in the large bed, muted, not willing to move. On occasion she would get a visitor, but they would soon leave when she ignored every word they spoke.

A weight made the bed shift to the left of her. Brian sat there, smirking down at her lifeless looking body. Alaina's skin was bright, thanks to her last kill.

"Alaina, look at me." Brian insisted. But she did not.

"Alaina!" Brian yelled this time, but to no avail.

"Alaina look at me right now!" He had no time for her games, so he cheated. Using his rare skill, one that all of the others wanted, he manipulated her mind. Her head turned towards him without her will. She glared at him, not understanding how she was suddenly staring at him. It was then she remembered first meeting him, not being in control of herself, longing for him.

It was all mind control.

"Fuck off Brian. I don't need your shit right now."

"Well too bad. I wish for your company." Alaina scoffed, turning her back to him.

"I could care less of what you want." She replied, flipping him off when he walked around the bed to face her. "What the hell do you want from me?" She frowned, biting her lip to resist her urge to attack him and rip him to shreds with her new found power.

"I want you to leave this bloody room and learn to enjoy your gift. How can you not see that you've been blessed?" Brian spoke, sitting near her. He smiled, and for once it did not seem cocky. He looked kind for that moment. "And besides, Johnny wants Zacky to take you hunting. He wants you to bond with the reason you are here." And with that, Brian smirked.

"I dont want to bond with Zacky." She said simply. Zacky would be the last thing she wanted to bond with, or talk to. He was the reason she was here. He bit her and was irresponsible. He didn't make sure that she was dead. She wished he had. She wished Zacky would have killed her.

Brian stared at her for a few minutes, wordlessly. He stared at her, with a contemplative expression. He looked in complete focus on her, and she had no idea what he was thinking.

"Tell me what you are thinking."

"About how I wished Zacky killed me." I answered without thinking. Once those words left my mouth, I glared at Brian. "You just made me speak without wanting to. I thought you were done with manipulating me." Alaina sat up finally and crossed her arms over her chest as Brian's power finally left her mind. "Stay out of my head Brian."

"I wonder what your gift is, Alaina. You haven't shown if you have one yet. You are a very brutal killer, though." A smirk once again appeared on his face for a spilt second, before it quickly vanished. "But I'm leaving now. I'll be back in 20 minutes. You better be ready to hunt."

She gazed towards the curtains covering the large windows in her room. The sun was set. They were now on the prowl. Not that they couldn't lurk in the sunlight. She was told that they had found it amusing how stereotypical demons and vampires were only out at night. It was what humans expected and feared, and they loved every second of it.

Brian stood, wandering towards the bedroom door. He paused as he opened the door quietly, "Dress seductively. Glittered, dark, short things are good for picking up male victims." With his words of advice, he shut the door behind him. Alaina listened as his footsteps became quieter. Once she couldn't hear them anymore, she locked her bedroom door and began rummaging through her closet.

"Perfect." She muttered quietly to herself as she found a short, tight fitting dress. It was dark grey with sparkles and decor all throughout the bottom. The v-neck complimented her chest amazingly, and that was the goal. She was supposed to attract a male. If she was going to kill someone, she at least wanted it to be a trashy, perverted man.

"You look beautiful." Alaina jumped. She turned quickly to see Zacky. His green eyes almost glittered as he smiled at her. As much as Alaina wanted to enjoy looking at his eyes, she was biased. He was her attempted murderer. He failed at killing her and now she was stuck. "And locks are pointless." Zacky finished as he approached her. He held out a necklace with a emerald pendant in the shape of a moon.

"What's the necklace for?" Alaina asked, taking it with caution. She stared at the jewelry, confused.

"Since you're young, and I marked you, this necklace and this color jewel will indicate to whomever you come across that you are mine. If you run, someone will pick you up and return you to me. And don't worry, after it's on, you can't get it off." Zacky moved behind her quickly, slipping the necklace around her neck quickly. She noticed it was much to tight to pull over her head. "Also, you can't break it off. Try if you want, but you'll end up hurting yourself.

Zacky did something to the back of the necklace, and then walked in front of her.

"So you mean to say, that you guys basically just put a tracking device on me?" Alaina spoke, anger rising in her words.

"It's for your own good. I promise. If you ran away this young, you'd most likely destroy an entire city, and kill many people. We'd be forced to kill you then." At first, Alaina forgot the first part of Zacky's sentence. She could just go against them and be killed, which sounded great. When it occurred to her that she would have to kill many people, that idea vanished. She couldn't do something so horrible.

"Am I like some, ticking time bomb or something?" She asked. She turned away from Zacky. There were many shoes in front of her, but she had no idea what to choose.

Zacky reached in front of her, grabbing a pair of red high heels that she doubted she would be comfortable in. Instead of complaining, she just took them from him and slipped them on her feet, becoming surprised when she felt no discomfort.

"Yea, you are. So, stay close." Zacky answered and put his arm around her waist. With disgust, Alaina tried to shove him away, but found that he was much too strong. She gave up quickly, feeling even more depressed. Zacky moved them out of the room, and when she looked around next, she was in another expensive vehicle, with Zacky driving to her left.

"I just want this to be a dream." She whispered to herself. Zacky didn't seem to hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, late update. It's lame that I suck with updates.
I would really love some comments though. I think I only got one last chapter.

I'm working on a one-shot though. Here's a bit of it,

"The snapping continued. Curious, I pushed myself up onto my elbows and took a look around. To my surprise, someone was just exiting the path that led through the forest. They were focused on the ground below them, and didn't seem to see me laying in the grass. The person grew nearer, and I saw it was a teenage boy, one that I didn't recognize.

The boy's lips were moving; he was muttering under his breath.

"Stupid, cocksucking, son of a-Oh god!" He mumbled until he realized he had company. The boy jumped, completely shocked, and held a hand to his beating heart. Although he was close, his back was to the moon, making his features hard to see.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was here..." He spoke, turning to walk down the other pathway. The moon caught the side of his face, and I gasped. "

So yea, comment please! :D