Status: Hiatus due to dead computers and being really busy.

Alice Practice.


Alaina walked quickly past Brian's room as she heard loud, ear piercing screams coming from inside. These men were truly monsters, and although she was just the same, she would not acknowledge it. She would never admit how much of a monster she had truly become. She would never repeat the awful acts she had committed, and had no idea how the five men could ever be proud of their actions.

"Alaina?" Brian called out after her. Her attempt at walking by unheard had failed. As Brian opened the door, the female screams got much louder, causing Alaina to cringe. A familiar satisfaction pulsed through her veins, knowing the girl was being brutally tortured, but she shoved it back as far as she could.

"Yes, Brian?" She answered as politely as she could muster up. She turned to face him, but refused to look him in the eye. Instead, the portrait of a demon behind him looked much more interesting. The demon was large and stalking an innocent woman, whose mouth was wide open, and her eyes filled with fear. Flames seemed to engulf the painting, adding the "Hell" effect. She frowned when she realized the painting was depicting exactly what was happening in Brian's room, minus the flames.

"Come join me?" Her eyes finally met his. Brian looked down at her with an innocent look, almost childlike. The corners of his mouth shyly twitched upward. But Alaina could see right through his act. "Please?" Brian added, sensing Alaina's distress.

Not wanting to argue or fight, Alaina sighed and nodded, walking as slowly as she could towards the open door. The woman had stopped screaming, but was whimpering quite loudly. The smell of blood enticed Alaina's nostril's, almost making her eyes roll back in ecstasy.

Walking through the large door way, Alaina spotted a young brunette shackled to Brian's wall, blood trickling down her torso like rain on a window. With Brian's back turned, Alaina took the opportunity to lick her lips, her eyes darkening. The young woman's face was covered by her hair, her head fallen forward in exhaustion. Her feet moved her forward a few steps, the scent of blood becoming stronger. Her muscles twitched in excitement.

"I can sense your excitement Alaina. Just admit it. You want to make her blood run." Brian turned to her, smirking. Lust was visible and unhidden in his eyes. They were tinted red, and fierce. "I think it's rather sexy to see a female demon in blood lust." He winked at her and stalked towards the tired young girl. It was then that Alaina noticed she was completely naked, the blood being her only sort of cover.

Alaina remained quiet, but walked curiously behind Brian. Her mind wandered to his back, her eyes widening slightly seeing the muscle he had. A part of her wanted to run forward and ravage him, all while brutally killing this girl, but her humane side kicked in just before she jumped forward. Brian chuckled in front of her, but didn't turn around. He could probably sense, or hear her dirty thoughts. She blushed with embarrassment.

The girl looked up. Her face was blank. She was expecting death.

"Oh come on, don't look so defeated. What if I decided to let you go?" Brian taunted the girl. She glared at him and thrashed around.

"You'd never let me live! I'm just another toy! You're going to kill me! J-just do it already!" Her voice cracked as she screamed at him with every ounce of breath left inside her. Alaina stepped back, slightly shocked with the outburst, but the blood that flew off the woman's body brought her back, and even closer. The young woman looked at Alaina, her eyes wide, almost pleading for a moment, but quickly glared at her as well. "Just kill me! You! Just end this!" The girl dared Alaina, staring her down.

Alaina's ego flared. How dare this mortal tempt me? She hastily walked up to the girl and let her hand connect with her cheek. The girls head swung around quickly and smashed against the wall, a groan escaping her lips. Brian's smirk grew. Alaina was learning quickly, and giving in to her instinct.

Unlike the other times, Alaina remembered every move she made. She knew that she was beating, scratching and drinking the girl dry. She heard every scream, every whimper and watched as the girl took her last breath. A deep gurgling came out of the girl, along with a bit of blood, before her eyes went cold, and her body fell limp. The corpse hung from the wall a few moments, slightly swaying, before Alaina turned away, looking at Brian. She could feel the blood dripping down her neck.

Brian's eyes had turned a very dark shade of red, flecks of black intertwined within. Alaina's chest rose aas she took a deep, but useless breath. She felt as though that was the young girls life, her breath that she had stolen and took inside her. But it was only blood, it was only her life. Her breath was useless to her damned and immortal body.

"I'm very proud of you, Alaina. Johnny will be very pleased to know you're letting go of your humanity." In a blink of an eye, Brian stood chest to chest in front of Alaina. Her eyes darkened, matching Brian's, and turned to slits. She was still angry and filled with rage. Brian only seemed even more excited. His hands roughly grabbed her behind, nearly lifting her off the ground. He head tilted to the side as his teeth sunk deep into her neck. She resisted a moan.

He pulled away, blood trickling down his face to match her, grinning. His lips quickly captured hers, making Alaina moan. They moved in sync together, becoming even more heated with the second.

Alaina came back to her senses, no longer letting her demonic side take over, and shoved Brian away.

"You can't just do that Alaina." Brian nearly whined. She shook her head and tried to walk around him, back to her room, but he wouldn't let her. His hand firmly gripped her arm, pulling her back to him. She involuntarily relaxed with her back pressed against him. She wished to fight, but she couldn't.

"Brian, please don't control my body." She asked quietly, her eyes fluttering closed.

"But, I enjoy this closeness... Don't you?" He asked, his breath hitting her ear. She shivered, wanting to enjoy it, but couldn't find it in her at the moment. She shook her head and broke free from his mind control.

Without another word, or a glance back, Alaina walked out of Brian's room and back into her own.
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I know I don't update as often as I should, but more comments would definitely encourage the updates. Thank you to the limited people that have been commenting though. ^-^
So yea, comment comment comment guys.