Sequel: Forgive Me
Status: Comment either this or my profile, if you want to know when the sequel will be up!

Break the Walls

Chapter Nine

I shuffled around the kitchen, mumbling quietly to myself as I cooked a late lunch. The scent of homemade sauce for spaghetti hit my nose, and I felt slightly closer to home.

When my dad was still alive, he really brought out the Italian side of his family. We normally ate the cuisine from their culture five times a week, along with diverse desserts. Life back then was simple, though. I didn’t have to worry if we had food for the next course, beforehand. Dad would just open up the refrigerator, and the ingredients would be there waiting for him.

“Need any help?” Alex stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and tucked his hands into my front pockets.

My face flushed slightly, as I fought not to let my emotions get the better of me, “I think I got it under control.”

He laughed lightly, resting his head on my chin, “I’ll be in the living room, if you need me.”

I turned, nodding. Alex kissed my cheek, pulling himself from me and headed into the living room. I took a deep breath, shaking off the jitters.

Alex had a way of making my knees shake. The way he talked, his gestures or even just a simple look could make me feel like jell-o. I guess you could say that these symptoms were worse, now that I knew how he felt about me.

I finished stirring the noodles, testing the sauce and then turn towards the living room, “Food’s done, boys.”

One by one, Alex, Adam, Zack, Jack and Rian stumbled in, scampering to find a seat. I began dishing out the food onto plates, handing them out. Once I finished, I made myself a plate and turned towards the guys, furrowing my brow.

“Did you want to sit down too?” Jack laughed, observing the table.

“No, I like to stand while I eat,” I muttered, glaring at him.

“Hails,” Alex chuckled, shifting over in his seat, “you can sit here.”

I smiled a thank you, sitting on the open half of the chair. Our conversation didn’t exactly stick to one subject long, but they were varied. Most of them centered on Zack, but he usually steered them off towards one of us.

As soon as we finished eating, I found myself getting Adam to bed and saying goodbye to Zack, Rian and Jack.

“He’s asleep,” I yawned, my foot hitting the last stair, as I watched Alex.

He smiled, getting to his feet. He strode over, pulling me against him by the waist, “Good to hear, I guess.”

I rolled my eyes, reaching up to press my lips against his. The moment felt so right, like no one could rip us from it. It was our time to steal, to hold and to treasure with the other. I wanted nothing more than to freeze time, stay put and just let Alex continue to hold me against him until time eventually ran out.

I lifted my chin up, looking into his eyes. Alex smiled, pressing his lips against mine once more. I gnawed on my lip as he trailed his lips over my jaw line and then to my neck, biting ever so slightly. I gripped onto his arms, permitting him to continue biting.

I felt my body moving, although I wasn’t forcing my legs backward. Alex reached his hands under my thighs, sliding me up against his body until I locked my legs around his waist. He perched me on top of the couch, kissing my cheek lightly.

“What are you doing?” I sighed lightly, tilting my head back slightly.

Alex ignored my question, going back to kissing my neck, before he slid his hand up my shirt, “I really do love you, Hails. I may not have shown it, but that was because I thought you would turn me down and be freaked out.”

“Funny thing is that I thought the same way about you.”

He smiled, kissing my neck, “Do you mind if we?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of an odd chapter, but I needed to write it for my idea for the next chapter. Maybe Hailee will confess what's going on in her life, if she feels she can trust Alex more? ;)
We'll see.

I didn't want to do the flashback, either (if you didn't notice).