Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

Sit Back Gotta Catch My Breath

Ash’s POV

Why did I do that? I’m so stupid!

I groaned. She was only person that decided to help me, and I made her run away.

“Ash, what did you do to make her run out like that?” My mom asked furious.

“Nothing,” I muttered. I really didn’t want to be bothered. I already had problems; I didn’t want my mom all over me.

“Ash Kayden Knight, tell me what you did!” she ordered.

“I KISSED HER! OKAY?” I admitted, furious.

Her face began to soften. “You like her, don’t you?” she asked softly.

“What? No, Mom, can you go now? I want to be alone,” I said. She didn’t move though.

“Ash, I can see it on your face.”

I didn’t know where she was getting this from. I did not like Rosalie. She was just a friend. Just a friend.

“Mom, I do not like Rosalie. She’s just a friend. Now, I would really like it if you would leave me alone,” I said, getting impatient.

“Okay, Ash, fine, don’t believe me. Keep telling yourself that. But, you’re going to have to realize what’s in front of you before it’s too late.” she said frustrated. She sighed and left my room.

What? I didn’t get that at all. What did she mean by “you’re going to have to realize what’s in front of you before it’s too late”?

I groaned.

I have had enough for today.

Rosalie POV

I ran.

I ran all the way to my house.

I didn’t even stop for air.

I just ran.

Why did he kiss me? Why in the world did he kiss me?

Finally getting to my house, I plopped down on my couch. I needed to breathe and sit down.

I was a bit mad at him. He shouldn’t have kissed me! Just because his girlfriend kissed his best friend doesn’t mean he can kiss me!

I knew it was a bad idea to go to his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, We finally get Ash's Pov. I didn't really like it. How I wrote it, I mean. & it's a bit short. Oh well!
Lost In Stereo by All Time Low (again xD)

It's like 4 o'clock Pm over here. I just woke up thirty minutes again. xD Dang it, Mom. You had to wake me up, didn't you? Dx

So, I told you all I would update today! Hehe, I'm so nice. xD Who updates slow now, Alex? (; Hmm? Heheee.
Okay Thanks for all the comments!! It made my day(: Comment again.