Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

Break Your Little Heart

Rosalie’s POV

Ash came back the next day. This time, I didn’t want him to come.

I was walking to the lunch room when Alex practically attacked me.

“Rosalie, Ash is here! I have to talk to him! Wait, do I talk to him? I want to, but what if he doesn’t listen to me? Or, what if he breaks up with me? No, no, that can’t happen. I have to talk to him. I have to change his mind!”

“Alex calm down. If you keep calm, the situation will go fine.” I hope.

“You’re right. Thanks, Rosalie. You’ve been a great friend, lately. I know I’ve been a little emotional,” I had to hold in a snort, “but you seemed to handle it.”

“No problem,” I said nicely and gave her a hug. If only she knew what happened.

This conversation made me very guilty. She was already heartbroken, and if she knew what happened, she would be crushed, even more than before.

“Ooh, I see him. Come on, Rosalie. I need to talk to him,” Alex said confidently.

“Okay, good luck to you.”

“Well, come on.” She motioned with her head.

“What? You want me to come with you?” I asked, dreading the answer. I did not want to face Ash, even though I wasn’t going to talk to him.

She laughed. “Yeah, silly. Now, let’s go before he leaves.” She grabbed my wrist and started walking. But, I didn’t budge.

No, I didn’t want this to happen.

“No, no, Alex, I think it’s best that I stay here. You go ahead,” I denied.

Alex pulled my wrist. “Rosalie, don’t be silly. Let’s go.”

“Why don’t you want to go?” she asked when I didn’t move.

“Um…I think its best you go alone. It wouldn’t be my place to be in. I mean, I don’t want to be in your business,” I said, making it all up.

“Whatever, Rosalie, you’re going and that is it!” She pulled my wrist and started walking toward Ash, making me almost fall.

“Ash, we need to talk,” Alex said confidently when we reached Ash. I was looking down, not wanting to get eye contact with Ash.

“Okay,” he agreed.

“It was a mistake, a big one. Mark and I didn’t mean it. It was a total regret, for both of us. I mean it. I have been crying for days, just for you. You don’t know how bad it’s been for me. I’ve wanted to talk to you since the…accident. I’m sorry. I really hope you forgive me…and for Mark. So, will you forgive me?”

Ash thought for a minute. “Yeah, I will.”

Alex’s face shot up. “Really? Thank you so much, Ash. You don’t know how much you made me happy—”

“Alex, wait. You didn’t let me finish. I have to tell you something.” What is he doing? Is he going to tell her about that…kiss?

“Okay, go ahead. What do you need to tell me?” she asked a bit of nervousness in her voice.

“I want to break up.” Those five words lingered in the air for a while.

What? Break up? Why would he want to break up with Alex?

“What?” Alex shrieked. “You can’t! No, no, please, tell me you did not say that. Ash, no! No, please, I’m sorry! I really am. No,” she sobbed.

“I’m sorry, Alex. It’s just not working out. Sorry,” he said gently and left but not before looking at me.

Why do I feel that I was the reason for the break up?

○ ○

After school, I went to find Ash. I was furious. How dare he break up with Alex? Does he not know how much damage he caused?

“Ash, I need to talk to you!” I demanded. He jumped at my voice.

“Not now, Rosalie. Alex is probably going to get mad if she sees you with me.”

“I don’t care. Why did you break up with Alex? Do you know how bad that did to her? She’s been crying her eyes out for you! Today, she gets back on her feet. And, look, you managed to knock her down! Do you know how much pain you caused her?” I snapped.

“Rosalie, I know what I did. I knew it was going to be bad, but I had to do it.”

“What? Why did you have to do it?” I asked, my voice going down slowly.

Then, it occurred to me. “Is this about our kiss…?”

“Kiss?” a way too familiar voice asked.

Oh, shoot, those words kept repeating in my head.

I turned around, and saw it Alex, who was looking furious.

“Alex, what are you doing here?” I asked, alarmed.

Did she hear? I think she did. Oh, no. Great.

“I should be asking you that. Now, what is this ‘kiss’ you two are talking about?” she asked.

I didn’t know what to say. I was too shocked. I didn’t want this to happen.

When no one answered, she started talking again. “Is there something going on between you two?”

“No, Alex, you see—”

“Alex, we kissed. Rosalie and I kissed, okay?” Ash admitted.

What? Did he just tell her that? Is he insane?!

Her eyes widened. “YOU WHAT? H-How could you do this to me?”

“Alex, please,—” he started, but Alex cut him off.

“No, no, Ash, I knew what happened with Mark was bad, but I didn’t think you would do this to me! Was this payback for what I did? If it was, it worked,” she sobbed, tears running down her face. Ash looked guilty, sad, and regretful.

No, no, I have to do something. It wasn’t entirely his fault. This guilt is just going to keep piling up.

“Alex, it wasn’t his fault,” I spoke up. Ash and Alex looked at me in confusion.

Do it now before it’s too late.

“What?” they both asked.

“Ash didn’t kiss me.” I took a deep breath. “I kissed him.”

“What? This doesn’t make sense. Rosalie, you’re lying!”

I bit my lip and looked down.

“No, no, you can’t. I thought we were friends! I trusted you; I really did,” she continued, her voice rising.


“No, what did I do? Hmm? Nothing. You know what? I don’t need you; you were nothing, anyways. You’ll always be that loner kid. The one nobody ever paid attention to.”

“Alex, come on, don’t be so mean-” Ash defended.

“No, let me finish. The only reason no one paid attention to is they knew you were a waste of time. Ash probably only hangs out with you because he think your life is sad,” she spat.

She’s right. He probably does. I am probably a waste of time.


“The only reason you don’t have friends is because they never really liked you. You were just a tissue to them. They’ll use you then throw you away. You were never enough. They made the right decision to leave you. Now, you’re just the loner girl, always will.” I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears. She was right. My life is sad. I will always be the loner girl.

I couldn’t handle it anymore. I left them. I ran away.

Because that’s all I do with my life,

I run away from my problems.
♠ ♠ ♠
Break Your Little Heart; All Time Low.
Sorry! This took longer than I thought.
Alex is a meany isn't she?