Status: Back&Ready =D .

She's Just The White Envelope Girl

That Night He Caged Her

Rosalie’s POV

“Rosalie, come over here!” my mother called from the living room. I skipped to the room, picking at a flower Avon gave me. He was such a sweetie. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.

“Mommy and Daddy look what Avon gave me,” I said cheerfully, sticking out the flower.

“Yes, very nice, Rosalie. We need to talk to you,” my dad said sternly, not taking a look at the flower.

My mood dropped down immediately. “Okay,”

My mom started talking. “Well, this isn’t going to be easy, but…your father and I—”

“Your mother and I are getting a divorce,” my dad interrupted rudely.

“What? What’s going to happen?” I asked, confused and shocked.

“Your father is leaving, and I’m taking custody of you,” my mom explained.

“No, Daddy can’t leave! Stay, please, stay Daddy!” I cried, tears falling.

“Rosalie, I can’t. Now, go to your room; your mother and I need to talk more,” my dad ordered.

“But, but, you can’t go. You’re my dad,” I said, sniffing.

“Rosalie, can’t you understand? I’m leaving. I don’t want to be with you anymore! You’re worthless to me!” he yelled, making me flinch and run to my room, crying.

Once I was in my room, I cried into my bed. What he said, was it true? Did he not like me? Was I really worthless to him?

Getting an idea, I sat up and got the house phone. I dialed Avon’s number, knowing he’ll make me feel better.

“Hello,” he answered.

“A-Avon,” I sobbed into the phone.

“Rosalie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked, alert.

“C-Can we meet at the park? I’ll tell you there.”

“Oh, okay, I’ll see you in a bit, bye.”

“Okay, bye.”

Five minutes later, I was at the park. The park Avon showed me. Our park.

Once Avon saw me, he ran and gave me hug. “What’s wrong?”

“My p-parents. They’re getting a divorce,” I sobbed into his chest.

“What? I’m so sorry, Rosalie. You’ll make it,” he reassured.

“But, that’s not the worst of it. My dad said he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. He said I was worthless to him. I think that’s why they’re getting a divorce,” I explained, letting go of his hug and wiping my tears.

“Rosalie, it’s not your fault. He probably said that because he was mad. Don’t worry. It’s not your fault,” he reassured again, smiling at the end, then making me smile.

“Thanks, Avon. You’re too awesome,” I complimented, my mood rising.

He blushed. “Rosalie, I know it’s early, but I got you this,” he said shyly, sticking out a necklace. It was heart shaped locket with a black knot imprinted on it. It was beautiful.

“I love it!” I beamed giving him a hug. “But, you didn’t have to get it. It’s just our six year anniversary of our friendship.”

“Well, um, I just got it for you. It reminded of me of you.”

“Like, this park?” I asked, looking around. Butterflies were roaming around the sky, and the flowers had been looking beautiful since it was spring.

He smiled. “Exactly.”

I laughed a bit. “I have to go, Avon. It’s getting a bit late,” I said, giving him a quick hug.

“See you tomorrow!” I called, running to my house.

When I got there, all the lights were off.

“Mommy, Daddy are you there?” I asked, turning on a light. I screamed in terror when I saw my dad.

“Daddy, where’s my Mommy?” I asked, after getting my breathing in steady.

“She’s at the store. She’ll be back in two hours. Now, where were you?” he asked, his voice sounding angry.

“I was with Avon,” I said nervously. His voice scared me.

“Darn it, Rosalie, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t want you with that kid. He’s not a good influence on you,” he said angrily.

“He is NOT a bad influence on me. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I defended.

“Be quiet!” he yelled, slapping me in the face, and then pushed me into my room.

“A-And then, h-he,” I stuttered, tears falling from remembering the memories.

“What did he do?” Ash asked, concerned.

“He…h-he raped me,” I forced out, sobbing into my hands.

His eyes widened in shock. “He what? Rosalie, did you tell anybody?” he asked, getting angry.

“No,” I said, still sobbing.

“What? Why not? Rosalie—”

“Ash, wait. There is more,” I interrupted him, preparing for what was coming next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Monster by Meg And Dia.
Update number two.
It's bad what happened to Rosalie, huh?
That's just the half of it.
Oh, and she was eleven in the flashback.